From Newsgroup: comp.sys.mac.misc
On 06 Apr 2022, Jim_Higgins wrote
(in article <t2kmnt$1jd$>):
On 4/6/22 5:47 AM, Joerg Lorenz wrote:
Am 06.04.22 um 11:15 schrieb johnson:
On 2022-04-06, Joerg Lorenz<> wrote:
Am 05.04.22 um 23:56 schrieb Jim_Higgins:
Breitbart is a Nazi source.
translation: "Breitbart publishes stuff with which I disagree"
Nope: Breitbart is extreme right-wing propaganda. No information.
Roughly the same as "FOX-News" which never ever broadcast news.
Meaning: I REALLY disagree with them, burn them out
Nah. I just ignore them. And if someone quotes them, I tend to reconsider any posts from that person in the light of their support of far-right authoritarians. You, for example, are sinking fast. If it is your intent to influence people who might read your posts, you are succeeding... in a negative direction.
But do carry on.
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