• Anyone with sufficient knowledge of C knows that DD specifiesnon-terminating behavior to HHH

    From olcott@polcott333@gmail.com to comp.theory,sci.logic,comp.lang.c on Fri Feb 7 17:13:04 2025
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.c

    Experts in the C programming language will know that DD
    correctly simulated by HHH cannot possibly reach its own
    "if" statement.

    The finite string DD specifies non-terminating recursive
    simulation to simulating termination analyzer HHH. This
    makes HHH necessarily correct to reject its input as

    typedef void (*ptr)();
    int HHH(ptr P);

    int DD()
    int Halt_Status = HHH(DD);
    if (Halt_Status)
    HERE: goto HERE;
    return Halt_Status;

    int main()


    has fully operational HHH and DD

    The halting problem has always been a mathematical mapping
    from finite strings to behaviors. That people do not comprehend
    this shows the shallowness of the depth of the learned-by-rote
    (lack of) understanding.
    Copyright 2024 Olcott "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius
    hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer

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