From corey to alt.bbs.pcboard on Thu Jan 30 08:23:15 2014
From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.pcboard
so after finally getting to us my pcboard I paid 1500 for in the 90's
my computer died. and my new one is 64bit win 8. so I was going to buy a 32bit license of win 8. seems thou I will loose everything on the computer if I down grade. 64bit uses a new boot system and 32bit cant see the 64bit partitions. GFT or something. since pcboard is so old thou, I am going to look around for a 20.00 computer and just dedicate it to pcboard. oy
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From Trifle Menot@triflemenot@protocol.invalid to alt.bbs.pcboard on Tue Feb 11 19:00:44 2014