• Sea-Bell Crossroads BBS

    From Richard Greene@rich@richgreene.com to alt.bbs.pcboard on Thu Nov 10 15:24:34 2011
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.pcboard

    Ah, ol'PC Board. I ran a three node one for a few years back in the 80's.
    I remember well "Terry" at Salt Air in Ogden, UT giving me lots of help. I
    ran a rather large one at the time in the Seattle area. A whole 400 megs
    worth of downloads on 3 386 machines running Novell software. Quite a set
    up back then. I received two write ups in a paper and PC Mag back then.
    Can't say I miss it since it started as a neat hobby and finished as a
    monster I couldn't handle anymore. I suppose I had around 300 registered callers and an untold number of visitors. Not a good thing to run if you
    are married and have an empty nest, unless of course your spouse is a

    Congrats to all of you that stuck with it and it's migration on to the Internet. I haven't seen a PC Board on the Net yet however. I would
    imagine it would be about the same amount of time and effort to run. I
    learned a lot.

    Because my location was Bellevue, Washington, I was only a mile from Microsoft's Headquarters. I would hold a monthly "Beer and Bytes" meeting
    of my members at local pizza joints. We would get together and share
    software and other bits of computer info. One night while we were deeply involved in copying software, a group of nerdy guys walks in and ask what we are doing. I asked them who they were and they said just customers but they all worked for Microsoft. "Shut it down guys". They never did figure out
    just what we were doing. Oh those 1.2mb floppy diskettes (Dysan was the

    Nuff said.


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