From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.doors
On Thursday, November 20, 1997 at 1:00:00 AM UTC-7, Cirdan wrote:
Is Alan Davenport, author of Kannons & Katapults and Yankee Trader,
still around. I was wondering if a version of Yankee Trader greater
than YT36 was ever released. I can't get it to work above 2400 baud
with Wildcat 5.0. (Please no bad comments about Wildcat, MSI or the
like. I know the pros and cons.) I was able to get KNK44 to work, it
does not use the BRUN30.EXE program where as YT36 seems to need it. I
was hoping a later version of Yankee Trader was released that also does
not need the BRUN30. Any info would be appreciated.
"We had become the thing we hate. We are better dead."
Sparlimb Keelsetter "The Illearth War"
From what I understand, 3.6 was the latest version, unfortunately the author no longer has the source code for the door. I recommend TW2002 instead.
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