From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.doors
I am trying to put together a csound door for sbbs and I am currently
using the angel library and was thinking of using a messege board and
message as an input. Does this seem to be the best way to pull
something like that off and is this the best library.... I have just
started the project and have a little bit of untested code (That will
have to be modified)
{I used the angel library for this but I am under the impression this
wont work because of the way they define things}
{I haven't compiled this yet any suggestions what library to use so I
can use the command line??}
uses SysUtils, ANGEL, DOS, CRT, SYSTEM32;
pythonpathname, pythonfilename, pythonoutputname : String;
AI.Programname:='runandfilesend'; {program name}
AI.Version:='1.0'; {set version}
AI.Author:='Eric Dexter'; {set author}
pythonpathname := ParamStr(1);
pythonfilename := ParamStr(2);
pythinoutputname := ParamStr(3);
pythonoutputfile := ParamStr(4); {whatever file the python program
aClr; {Clear Screen}
aWriteLn'Execute A Program and send the text file result hit enter'
pythonfilename, pythonoutputname); {SysUtils.ExecuteProcess('/full/path/to/binary',['arg1','arg2']); }
aShowFileFast(Pythonoutputfile); Pause(1);
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