From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.doors
The Computer Connection BBS
Running Synchronet V3.14b 10 Node 24hr x 365days a year
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Message Groups:
* DoveNet
* Fido (1:261/1410)
* RelayNet TCCNET(#3153)
* ILink * Piper & Communications Net
* Some Newsgroups
* InterStellor Annihilation * LORD I V4.07 & II
* ArrowBridge I & II * TradeWar 2002 * BRE
* Ambroshia V4.0 * Falcon's Eye * Clans
* Exititlus * 4way slots * 8way slots
* Blackjack * PimpWars * Bordelo
* Planets:TEOS V2.0 with IGM's 100 planets and 25 Ships
* Planets:TEOS V1.12 The original verison of the game * many more
telnet:// * For files
* * nttp://
So come on over and log in to our growing community and play some really fun games, read some message on-line or offline via QWK or download some files or upload any shareware or Freeware file that you like and share with the rest of the community.
The Computer Connection BBS
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