• Doctor Who in 3-D

    From Bok C@1:2320/100 to All on Tue Apr 30 21:32:02 2013
    From Newsgroup: rec.arts.drwho.moderated
    From Address: stopstaring@boobs.com
    Subject: Doctor Who in 3-D

    Hi guys! I heard the news about Doctor Who being in 3-D this year, so I've been wearing my 3-D glasses every day. So far it doesn't seem to be working since the characters still seem two dimensional. Then again lots of people
    in real life look two dimensional, even when I look at them with my 3-D glasses on.

    I'll keep wearing them for the rest of the year just in case, but I'm wondering if I should exchange them or have somebody check out my pair.
    What do you guys thinks?


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  • From Yourname@1:2320/100 to All on Wed May 1 07:29:02 2013
    From Newsgroup: rec.arts.drwho.moderated
    From Address: YourName@YourISP.com (Your Name)
    Subject: Re: Doctor Who in 3-D

    In article <klpr3b$mfc$1@sol01.ashbva.gweep.ca>, "Bok C" <stopstaring@boobs.com> wrote:

    Hi guys! I heard the news about Doctor Who being in 3-D this year, so I've been wearing my 3-D glasses every day. So far it doesn't seem to be working since the characters still seem two dimensional. Then again lots of people in real life look two dimensional, even when I look at them with my 3-D glasses on.

    I'll keep wearing them for the rest of the year just in case, but I'm wondering if I should exchange them or have somebody check out my pair.
    What do you guys thinks?


    There's only one 3D episode, and that's the movie-length 50th anniversary special due later this year to be both broadcast and played in cinemas - depending on where you live, your network capabilities, cinema management,
    and / or TV set functions.

    It's not the first Doctor Who in 3D either. The 30th anniversary episode
    in 1993 was also in 3D.

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  • From Doctor@1:2320/100 to All on Wed May 1 10:08:02 2013
    From Newsgroup: rec.arts.drwho.moderated
    From Address: doctor@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca (The Doctor)
    Subject: Re: Doctor Who in 3-D

    In article <YourName-0105131900180001@203-118-187-162.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz>,
    Your Name <YourName@YourISP.com> wrote:
    In article <klpr3b$mfc$1@sol01.ashbva.gweep.ca>, "Bok C" ><stopstaring@boobs.com> wrote:

    There's only one 3D episode, and that's the movie-length 50th anniversary >special due later this year to be both broadcast and played in cinemas - >depending on where you live, your network capabilities, cinema management, >and / or TV set functions.

    Good to know. That way you cannot deceive yourself.
    Still I am looking forwardto this year 23 Nov special.

    Member - Liberal International.This is doctor@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@nl2k.ab.ca God,Queen and country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! http://www.fullyfollow.me/rootnl2k Look at Psalms 14 amnd 53 on Atheism
    B.C. do not condemn your province - vote Liberal!

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