• The Time Wars of Doctor Who

    From Doctor@1:2320/100 to All on Wed Jan 23 10:26:02 2013
    From Newsgroup: rec.arts.drwho.moderated
    From Address: doctor@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca (The Doctor)
    Subject: The Time Wars of Doctor Who

    All right going back to the 4th doctor, the Genesis of the daleks
    is the Genesis of this war. The Time Lords are worried about
    the Daleks rivalling even them.

    Next the Deadly assassin, Harmony amongst the Time Lords are broken

    The President is assassinated and the Master tries to
    tap into the Eye of Harmony.

    Later Invasion of Time, the Doctor thwarts the Sontarans in the invasion
    of gallifrey.

    Next the KEy to Time, the White Guardian says he needs it to restore balance to time and hte Universe. The Doctor has to disperse in as the Balck Guardian is on top of him for it.

    Next Destiny of the Daleks, Davros revived to fight the movellans
    on to see Davros tried for crimes against the universe.

    Next Arc of Infinity where Omega is expelled.

    3 more Black guardian and white guardian appearences.

    Resurrection of the Daleks where Davros can now destroy the old Daleks.

    Trial of a TimeLords is an attempt to destroy the Doctor
    only to see the Master thwart that.

    Remembrance of the Daleks see skaro destroyed.

    And then into the Time Wars.

    The Doctor time locks the dlaeks and gallifrey supposedly.

    Since the 9th doctor Daleks and Davros have shown up
    and the master is bac on gallifrey fighting the Time Lords.

    All right what does Moffat have in mind?

    Member - Liberal International.This is doctor@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@nl2k.ab.ca God,Queen and country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! http://www.fullyfollow.me/rootnl2k Birthdate : 29 Jan 1969 Redhill UK

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  • From Bok C@1:2320/100 to All on Fri Mar 1 17:54:02 2013
    From Newsgroup: rec.arts.drwho.moderated
    From Address: stopstaring@boobs.com
    Subject: Re: The Time Wars of Doctor Who

    Uh, thank you, I suppose. Um, but uh yeah, this, I don't think I should answer. What if I told you it would ruin the mystique, you guys? Umm, and
    then um, bububuh, I dunno, really, huh.

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