Re: Re: Podesta's UFO Tweet Was No Joke
By: Wilfred van Velzen to Damon A. Getsman on Sat Feb 21 2015 15:59:36
I'm not sure if he knows or just thinks there are documents about this subject that are not available to the public. In the first case you can't help wondering what would be inside them that they are not available! (This is where conspiracy theories start ;))
Well, it depends on how you mean the word 'knows', I suppose. ;) There's the Fox Mulder definition, and then multiple other varying degrees of the Oxford definition.
The thing I've always found funny, though, is that whatever body that classifies the information can say 'oh there's absolutely nothing irregular in that shit, it's just a national security risk'. I mean we've got a history of doing that, going back 30-50 years as documents are unclassified, and it always turns out that there's something weird going on, and usually no risk of security issues.
Saw the same damn shit myself when I was inside of the military getting a peek for myself. Let me know if you haven't heard my disclaimer about my military service, btw... The preconceptions that it usually gives people are quite inaccurate about my case. And no, I don't believe in a bit of the shit that they're used for.
I particularly like what the Canadian Minister of Defense had to
say after he stepped down. :)
What was that?
Oh he's said quite a bit, actually. Let me see if I can find some of it for you here. Most of it's been in videos, though, so it's kind of time consuming to go and transcribe. If nothing else I'll dump the video links here for ya.
Here's the first link that came up, and it's not a bad one. Let me know if you need more; a simple youtube search for 'Canadian Minister of Defense' or 'Defence' and UFOs will turn up tons of hits. He's all over that shit.
He talks about ETs living in the US and shit. He's pretty deep in on the subject.
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