Shag Harbor UFO Symposium - October 1st
Allen Prunty@1:2320/100 to
All on Thu Sep 29 12:32:02 2016
SHAG HARBOUR, N.S. - When what people believed to be a UFO was seen in
Shag Harbour, Shelburne County, in 1967, it left behind little trace
other than a yellow foam on the water, and the stories shared by those
who witnessed `something.'
Forty-nine years later, the tale lives on through the Shag Harbour
Incident Interpretive Centre, where visitors can read newspaper
articles, view TV documentaries, check out a space exhibit, and view
other UFO paraphernalia.
It lives on in the signage while driving through this fishing
community that points to the location of the "UFO incident."
And it lives on this weekend thanks to an annual symposium revisiting
the event of the late 1960s.
A description about the UFO sightingis included on a Shag Harbour UFO
incident website page. On Oct. 4, 1967, some local residents reported
seeing strange lights in the sky. Witnesses say they watched these
lights moving in sequence and then saw them dive in a rapid 45-degree
movement towards the water's surface.
"The witnesses were surprised that the lights did not dive into the
water, but seemed to float on the water, approximately one-half mile
from the shore," reads the description written by BJ Booth.
At first, some people worried they had witnessed an airplane crash.
When RCMP members arrived on the scene to investigate, they and other
residents reported seeing a slow moving yellow light that was leaving
behind a yellowish foam.
When a Coast Guard cutter later arrived on scene the light was gone.
The yellow foam, however, could reportedly still be seen.
There was a search but nothing was discovered submerged and there were
no reports of any missing aircraft. Divers also searched during the
following days but again, nothing was found.
Decades later the incident was still being investigated.
To this day, exactly what was seen in Shag Harbour is still unknown -
"unknown" being the key word.
The mystery lives on.
The annual Shag Harbour UFO Symposium goes Saturday, Oct. 1 at the
Shag Harbour Incident Museum/Interpretive Centre, located at 5615
Highway 3 in Shag Harbour.
As posted on a Shag Harbour Incident website.
<*> 10:45-11:15 am - Presenter: Peter Goreham, Eyewitness
<*> 11:15-11:45 am- Question period with Laurie Wickens and Peter
<*> 12:00-1:30 pm - Lunch on your own
<*> 1:30-2:15 - Michael Crowell
<*> 2:15-3:15 pm - Keynote - Paul Kimball, Halifax - Topic: UFO
Cases Note Named Roswell
<*> 3:15-3:45 pm - Question Period
<*> 3:45-5:45 pm - Dinner on own or Community Supper (Eat in or
Take Out)
<*> 6-7:30 pm - Bus Tour of Crash Site with Eyewitness, Laurie
Good Robot Micro Brewery will be set up at Crash Site.
There is no pre-registration required for either symposium or bus
tour, pay at the door upon arrival. The symposium cost is $25 per
person. The bu