• Greetings...

    From Ardith Hinton@1:2320/100 to Anybody Interested on Wed Dec 24 21:36:02 2014
    . .

    +-----++-----++-----++---## +-----++--+ -++-----+ . | .
    . . +-----+|+-- |+---+|+-######| . |||| | ||+-----+ ---- ----
    +-----++-----++- . -+ ########----++- +--++-----+ . | .
    +-----++-----++-----++-----+##########---++--+ -++-----++-----+ |
    . || +--+||----+|+-- |+-- ##########| || | |||| +--++-----+ | .
    +-----++- +-++-----++-----+ #]##[#+----++- +--++-----++-----+
    . . O . ### ####][ ####### . . .
    . \// .#################[ . . O .
    . \\Y// . ##[####[####[### \\/ .
    . . \\Y/// . #######]##]#]#]#[ / .\\Y// .
    . \\\\Y///O # ]##[ ]#[#]#[#[\// . \\Y/V//O. V
    \\ \\O\\V////// #### ### ##]#\// + +\\\Y//// // . \//
    \\Y// \\\ \\+\\\+ ##//// ######### #++++++++ Y\\O//// O \// /
    \\/Y/\\+\++++++++++ ## ### #############+++++++++Y +++++++++ \\////
    \\/Y//+++++++++++ ## ## # ############# ++## ## + +++++++++++\ ////
    . \\\\Y++++++ ++++++ ## ## ############# ## ## +++ ++++++++++ # ./
    # ++++ +++++++ + ## ############### ## #++++++ ++++++++## /
    Y ## #++++++++++++++# ###---------------#####+ +++++++++ + ++#### # /
    YYYY# ##++++++++ ++++++++ #----#--------# # +++ ++++++++++++ ##YY
    YYYYYYY+++#++ +++++ # ## # # # # ++++++ ++#++++++++ ##YYYY Y

    . --------------------------------------------------------------- .

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    # Origin: Wits' End, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/716)
    # Origin: LiveWire BBS -=*=- telnet://livewirebbs.com (1:2320/100)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Ardith Hinton@1:2320/100 to Daryl Stout on Thu Jan 29 23:36:02 2015
    Hi, Daryl! Recently you wrote in a message to ARDITH HINTON:

    Hope you and yours had a good Christmas.

    Christmas 2014 was a fairly quiet one, but IMHO we all needed that. Once upon a time our daughter would grumble about being cooped up in the house if Dallas & I hadn't arranged an outing. In those days we went to every party organized by some local charity or whatever. With the SARS epidemic many such gatherings were discontinued. However, she's a bit older now as well.... :-)

    It has been busy for me, medical wise.

    Never a dull moment, eh? I seem to recall that another person said, many years ago, "Can't I have a few dull moments... please??" ;-)

    I had a double ended (front and back) procedure just before
    Christmas. They did a cystoscopy up through the penis and
    urethra to look into the bladder, and took an image of the
    prostate through the rectum. Naturally, I was asleep for both. :)

    I'm a prime candidate for this new prostate relief procedure
    called Urolift

    I hadn't heard of it. Thanks for the info.... :-)

    ...and I never thought I'd be so excited about a surgical

    It certainly does sound preferable to the alternatives.

    Enlarged prostate issues are part of males growing old

    So I gather. In most cases they're probably not a serious cause for concern... apart from the inability to pee, which can be life-threatening.

    I have a follow-up with the urologist in late January, but
    the procedure likely won't be done until February. But, from
    what I've read, this is an excellent option

    I see you've done your homework. I like that.... :-)

    and will likely mean I can stop taking Flomax (Tamulosin).

    Yes, I've heard of Flomax. As a rule of thumb I consider surgery to be a last resort. But if it means one doesn't have to count on pharmaceuticals ad infinitum I'm interested... and I'd do a similar risk/benefit analysis. :-)

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    # Origin: Wits' End, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/716)
    # Origin: LiveWire BBS -=*=- telnet://livewirebbs.com (1:2320/100)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Ardith Hinton@1:2320/100 to Anybody Interested on Sun Oct 30 22:12:06 2016
    . .

    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" @$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ """"""#*R$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P"..::!~ ..... .<!!!!!!!: ~!!!:.. "*$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$".<!!!!~ <!!!!!!!~ !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!: "$$$$$$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$P <!!!!!~ .!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. `!!!!!!!: "$$$$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$$$$P :!!!!!~ .!!!!~!!!!!! .!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!: '!!!!!!!! '$$$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$$$# !!!!!f !!!` `!!!!! :!!!!!!!!! `!!!! `!!!!!!!! '$$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$$F !!!!!! !!~ '!!!f 4!!!!!!!! !!> 4!!!!!!!> 9$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$P <!!!!! !!> '!!~ '!!!!!!........<!! !!!!!!!! <$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$> !!!!!! ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ `!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> `!!!!!!! $$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$ '!!!!!! '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!(``~!!! !!!!!!f 4$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$r!!!!!!! `!!~ :<!!!!!!! `!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ `! '!!!!!!> .$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$L !!!!!!. !!:h `!!!!!!! `!!!!!!!!!~ <!!!! !!!!!! @$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$$ `!!!!!! ~!!!! `~~ '~~~~~` !!!!!f .!!!!! <$$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$$N ~!!!!!! !!!!!h. ..:: .!!!!!!! :!!!!` .$$$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$$$$. ~!!!!> !!!!!!!!: `!!!!!h!!!!!!!!!!~ !!!! do$$$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$$$$$N. `!!!. !!!!!!!!!!!!! ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ !!~ .e$$$$$$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bu ` '!!!!!!!!!!~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!~` .uuue$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$e. ```` .eu. ``` .e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    H A P P Y H A L L O W E ' E N !

    . .

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    # Origin: Wits' End, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/716)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Ardith Hinton@1:2320/100 to Mike Powell on Fri Nov 4 23:26:08 2016
    Hi, Mike! Recently you wrote in a message to Ardith Hinton:

    I love classic ansi and ascii art. Thanks for posting it.

    Thanks for letting me know.

    I hadn't posted Hallowe'en greetings recently, although I used
    to do it every year. I'm not quite sure why now. But I still have a few things like that on file which I ran across in ASCII_ART & various other echoes.

    Seems to me it's been awhile since you & I chatted as well.
    Glad to hear from you again. How are you? :-)

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    # Origin: Wits' End, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/716)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/100 to Ardith Hinton on Sat Nov 5 09:36:00 2016
    Seems to me it's been awhile since you & I chatted as well. Glad
    to hear from you again. How are you? :-)

    Seem to be doing all right, mostly. :) You?


    * SLMR 2.1a * "Einstein? Who's he? Another troublemaker?" - H.Baines

    --- GTMail 1.26
    # Origin: CCO BBS * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net (1:2320/105.0)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Ardith Hinton@1:2320/100 to Jimmy Anderson on Tue Nov 29 23:42:16 2016
    Hi, Jimmy! Awhile ago you wrote in a message to Ardith Hinton:

    Nice! Shared on Facebook too. :-)

    Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I don't know who created it, but I see what may be the artist's initials at the bottom.

    Now... I recognize your name from somewhere. You posted in FIDONEWS recently. I think there's more to it than that, however. Have you posted in SURVIVOR before? Welcome &/or welcome back, as the case may be... [chuckle].

    ... Adam to Eve-> 'I'll wear the plants in this family'.

    While I don't usually comment on taglines, I enjoyed that one. :-))

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    # Origin: Wits' End, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/716)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Jimmy Anderson@1:2320/100 to Ardith Hinton on Fri Dec 16 01:08:00 2016
    Ardith Hinton wrote to JIMMY ANDERSON <=-

    Now... I recognize your name from somewhere. You posted in FIDONEWS recently. I think there's more to it than that, however.
    Have you posted in SURVIVOR before? Welcome &/or welcome back, as the case may be... [chuckle].

    I've been an off and on poster, but honestly I don't remember
    what all I've posted in. :-)

    ... Blessed be the pessimist for he hath bought insurance.
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
    # Origin: Neptune's Lair - Olive Branch MS - winserver.org (1:116/18)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Ardith Hinton@1:153/716 to Anybody Interested on Fri Dec 24 21:24:16 2010
    ++---++++---++++---++++--XX ++---++++-+ ++++---++ . | .
    . . ++---++++-- ++---++++XXXXXX| . |||| | ||++---++ ----.----
    ++---++++---++++ . ++ XXXXXXXX---++++ +-++++---++ . | .
    ++---++++---++++---++++---++XXXXXXXXXX+-++++-+ ++++---++++---++ |
    . || +-++|+--+++++-- ++-- XXXXXXXXXX| || | |||| +-++++---++ | .
    ++---++++ +-+++---++++---++ XXXXXX+-+-++++ +-++++---++++---++
    . . O . XXX XXXXXX XXXXXXX . . .
    . \\Y// . XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \\/ .
    . . \\Y/// . XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX / .\\Y// .
    . \\\\Y///O X XXXX XXXXXXXXX\// . \\Y/V//O. V
    \\ \\O\\V////// XXXX XXX XXXX\// + +\\\Y//// // . \//
    \\Y// \\\ \\+\\\+ XX//// XXXXXXXXX X++++++++ Y\\O//// O \// /
    \\/Y/\\+\++++++++++ XX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX+++++++++Y +++++++++ \\////
    \\/Y//+++++++++++ XX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXX ++XX XX + +++++++++++\ ////
    . \\\\Y++++++ ++++++ XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX +++ ++++++++++ X ./
    X ++++ +++++++ + XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX X++++++ ++++++++XX /
    Y XX X++++++++++++++X XXX---------------XXXXX+ +++++++++ + ++XXXX X /
    YYYYX XX++++++++ ++++++++ X----X--------X X +++ ++++++++++++ XXYY
    YYYYYYY+++X++ +++++ X XX X X X X ++++++ ++X++++++++ XXYYYY Y

    M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S !

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Wits' End, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/716)
  • From Ardith Hinton@1:153/716 to Anybody Interested on Thu Dec 30 23:56:10 2010
    . .
    o o o
    __ __ __ _____ _____ __ __
    | | | | / \ | _ | | _ | \ \ / /
    | |_| | / /\ \ | |_| | | |_| | \ \/ /
    | _ | / /__\ \ | ____| | ____| \ /
    | | | | / ____ \ | | | | o o | |
    |__| |__| /__/ \__\ |_| |_| |__|
    o o o
    __ _ _____ __ _ __
    | \\ | | | ____| \ \ / \ o / / o
    | | \\ | | | |__ \ \ / \ / /
    | | \\ | | | __| \ \/ / \ \/ /
    | | \\ | | | |___ \ / \ /
    |_| \ __| |_____| \/ \/
    o o o
    __ __ _____ __ _____ o
    \ \ / / | ____| / \ | __ \
    \ \/ / | |__ / /\ \ | |__| |
    \ / | __| / /__\ \ | __ /
    | | | |___ / ____ \ | | \ \
    |__| |_____| /__/ \__\ |_| \_\
    o o
    o o o
    o o o _____
    o | o |
    o o | o o|
    o o |o o |
    o | o o|
    ____________________ |.....|
    \ o o / | . . |
    \ o o / |. . .|
    \ o o / / . . \
    \........../ / . . . \
    \ . . / | . . . |
    \ . . / |-----------|
    \ . / | |
    | .| | Champagne |
    |. | | |
    ______| |______ |-----------|
    / | | \ | . . . |
    \________________/ |___________|

    Artist: Doug Platt

    . .

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Wits' End, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/716)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to ARDITH HINTON on Sat Mar 3 01:43:00 2018
    Hi, Daryl! Recently you wrote in a message to ARDITH HINTON:


    Never a dull moment, eh? I seem to recall that another person said,
    many years ago, "Can't I have a few dull moments... please??" ;-)

    With the surgeries last year (kidney stone and prostate), I had a lot
    of medical expenses. But, thankfully, I was ble to get the majority of
    both written off. The expenses I did have allowed me to keep the same
    rent this year as I had last year.

    I hadn't heard of it. Thanks for the info.... :-)

    I really liked it...but as per an earlier message, it had to get

    So I gather. In most cases they're probably not a serious cause for AH>concern... apart from the inability to pee, which can be life-threatening.

    BPH (enlarged prostate) normally does not lead to prostate
    cancer...although that cancer is one of the greatest killers of males.

    I see you've done your homework. I like that.... :-)

    You have to be proactive on your health.

    Yes, I've heard of Flomax. As a rule of thumb I consider surgery to
    be a last resort. But if it means one doesn't have to count on pharmaceutic AH>ad infinitum I'm interested... and I'd do a similar risk/benefit analysis.

    I still take it...and since I started producing kidney stones again
    after a 4 1/2 year hiatus, will probably do so for awhile.


    � OLX 1.53 � Winter is a Sysops friend...Thunderstorms are the enemy.
    --- SBBSecho 3.03-Win32
    * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - wx1der.dyndns.org (1:19/33)