Hi, James! Recently you wrote in a message to Ardith Hinton:
"Great" orchestral works in the day, were intended to be
as disposable as last weeks news.
Yes... and the same also applies to various other types
of music. I heard that a patron of J.S. Bach, for
example, insisted on a new chorale every week. It seems
the desire for novelty has been a factor for a long time.
I lumped everything with an orchestra into "orchestral".
I guess opera needs stage direction also, but to my limited
exposure it's the same boat.
I'd say the basic principle applies either way. Opera trickled down
to the masses as operetta (e.g. Gilbert & Sullivan) and later as the "Broadway"
musical (e.g. Rogers & Hammerstein). Now, when did you last hear either? :-))
Now that you mention it, works of a choir
A cautionary note... I take it chorales were not intended to be sung
only by a choir. Martin Luther evidently had the idea that the congregation of
the church should be allowed to sing along. Good pedagogical strategy.... :-)
would also apply to the "pop" category of yore. B-]
Uh... yes & no. Until relatively recently, the vast majority of the
common people were illiterate. The "popular" music of earlier times is largely
unknown to us now because the gramophone had yet to be invented & the few folks
who understood how to write it down were seldom motivated to do so. (I imagine
you & I & Dallas & Richard would have made a bare living as wandering minstrels
in those days!) Some of it, however, is still in use for various reasons. One
is that familiar tunes were often used to accompany religious poetry... another
is that years ago the Lord of the Manor was usually expected to pay for a house
of worship for his own family as well as for the serfs who lived on his estate.
In my irreverent "1066 and All That" interpretation, Bach had to keep coming up
with new hymn tunes so his wealthy patron would not suffer the embarrassment of
falling asleep in church. Certain folk songs & hymns may have survived because
they came to the attention of or were composed by someone who had the skills to
pass them along. The average person may be unable to read four-part harmony as
the choir sees it, but chances are they'll recognize the soprano line..... :-)
To this day, folks in the entertainment business say "you're
only as good as your last [gig]". But once in awhile a song
which has dropped off the Top Ten list will eventually
resurface as a Golden Oldie or whatever. I had a Beatles
poster in my band classroom after the initial excitement
had subsided, and was often asked "Who are the Beatles?"
They did it their way! <L>
Uh-huh. There's a senior citizen in our community band who comes to
life when we play songs from the 1920's. I come to life when we do stuff where
all one has to do is read the notes (baroque & classical era). Different folks
have different talents. My attitude is "I am who I am... take it or leave it!"
Some folks actually like me that way. If the younger crowd views things from a
different perspective, they can make their own unique contribution too.... :-)
--- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
* Origin: Wits' End, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/716)