• Rules of the Echo

    From Dallas Hinton@1:2320/100 to All on Fri Feb 28 22:48:02 2014

    SURVIVOR is a mutual support echo for people who are experiencing or
    who have an interest in adversity. The content of the echo may be
    quite varied, but all material must have some relevance to dealing
    with adversity.

    We participate in SURVIVOR to share our experiences and our insights
    so that we can grow and learn together, therefore we maintain a
    supportive environment in this echo.

    We recognize the right and responsibility of the individual to make
    his or her own choices, and we respect one another's point of view.

    No participants will be included or excluded on the basis of their
    vital statistics, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, medical history,
    and/or sexual preferences.

    Sex, religion, and politics are off topic except by prior arrangement
    with the moderators.

    No form of proselytizing is allowed, including (but not limited to)
    advertisements for commercial products and/or commercial services,
    advertisements for religious literature, and "witnessing for Christ"
    or otherwise seeking converts to any one religion in particular.

    The use of pseudonyms is permissible in this echo, but no messages
    may be posted from an "anonymous remailer".

    Rulings by the moderators are not open for discussion in the echo.
    If you have a problem with a ruling, please discuss it in private.

    ... Life is about communicating!

    Cheers... Dallas

    The SURVIVOR echo is available via Fidonet 1:153/7715 [604-266-5271]
    and Telnet [bandmaster.tzo.com].

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    # Origin: The BandMaster, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/715)
    # Origin: LiveWire BBS -=*=- telnet://livewirebbs.com (1:2320/100)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Dallas Hinton@1:2320/100 to All on Wed May 28 23:40:02 2014

    SURVIVOR is a mutual support echo for people who are experiencing or
    who have an interest in adversity. The content of the echo may be
    quite varied, but all material must have some relevance to dealing
    with adversity.

    We participate in SURVIVOR to share our experiences and our insights
    so that we can grow and learn together, therefore we maintain a
    supportive environment in this echo.

    We recognize the right and responsibility of the individual to make
    his or her own choices, and we respect one another's point of view.

    No participants will be included or excluded on the basis of their
    vital statistics, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, medical history,
    and/or sexual preferences.

    Sex, religion, and politics are off topic except by prior arrangement
    with the moderators.

    No form of proselytizing is allowed, including (but not limited to)
    advertisements for commercial products and/or commercial services,
    advertisements for religious literature, and "witnessing for Christ"
    or otherwise seeking converts to any one religion in particular.

    The use of pseudonyms is permissible in this echo, but no messages
    may be posted from an "anonymous remailer".

    Rulings by the moderator(s) are not open for discussion in the echo.
    If you have a problem with a ruling, please discuss it in private.

    ... Life is about communicating!

    Cheers... Dallas

    The SURVIVOR echo is available via Fidonet 1:153/7715 [604-266-5271]
    and Telnet [bandmaster.tzo.com].

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    # Origin: The BandMaster, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/715)
    # Origin: LiveWire BBS -=*=- telnet://livewirebbs.com (1:2320/100)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Dallas Hinton@1:2320/100 to All on Fri Jan 30 23:42:02 2015

    SURVIVOR is a mutual support echo for people who are experiencing or
    who have an interest in adversity. The content of the echo may be
    quite varied, but all material must have some relevance to dealing
    with adversity.

    We participate in SURVIVOR to share our experiences and our insights
    so that we can grow and learn together, therefore we maintain a
    supportive environment in this echo.

    We recognize the right and responsibility of the individual to make
    his or her own choices, and we respect one another's point of view.

    No participants will be included or excluded on the basis of their
    vital statistics, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, medical history,
    and/or sexual preferences.

    Sex, religion, and politics are off topic except by prior arrangement
    with the moderators.

    No form of proselytizing is allowed, including (but not limited to)
    advertisements for commercial products and/or commercial services,
    advertisements for religious literature, and "witnessing for Christ"
    or otherwise seeking converts to any one religion in particular.

    The use of pseudonyms is permissible in this echo, but no messages
    may be posted from an "anonymous remailer".

    Rulings by the moderators are not open for discussion in the echo.
    If you have a problem with a ruling, please discuss it in private.

    ... Life is about communicating!

    Cheers... Dallas

    The SURVIVOR echo is available via Fidonet [1:153/7715]
    and Telnet [bandmaster.tzo.com].

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    # Origin: The BandMaster, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/715)
    # Origin: LiveWire BBS -=*=- telnet://livewirebbs.com (1:2320/100)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Dallas Hinton@1:2320/100 to All on Sat Nov 28 22:48:02 2015

    SURVIVOR is a mutual support echo for people who are experiencing or
    who have an interest in adversity. The content of the echo may be
    quite varied, but all material must have some relevance to dealing
    with adversity.

    We participate in SURVIVOR to share our experiences and our insights
    so that we can grow and learn together, therefore we maintain a
    supportive environment in this echo.

    We recognize the right and responsibility of the individual to make
    his or her own choices, and we respect one another's point of view.

    No participants will be included or excluded on the basis of their
    vital statistics, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, medical history,
    and/or sexual preferences.

    Sex, religion, and politics are off topic except by prior arrangement
    with the moderators.

    No form of proselytizing is allowed, including (but not limited to)
    advertisements for commercial products and/or commercial services,
    advertisements for religious literature, and "witnessing for Christ"
    or otherwise seeking converts to any one religion in particular.

    The use of pseudonyms is permissible in this echo, but no messages
    may be posted from an "anonymous remailer".

    Rulings by the moderators are not open for discussion in the echo.
    If you have a problem with a ruling, please discuss it in private.

    ... Life is about communicating!

    Cheers... Dallas

    The SURVIVOR echo is available via Fidonet [1:153/7715]
    and Telnet [bandmaster.dyndns.org].

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    # Origin: The BandMaster, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/715)
    # Origin: LiveWire BBS -=*=- telnet://livewirebbs.com (1:2320/100)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Dallas Hinton@1:2320/100 to All on Thu Jan 28 23:21:02 2016

    SURVIVOR is a mutual support echo for people who are experiencing or
    who have an interest in adversity. The content of the echo may be
    quite varied, but all material must have some relevance to dealing
    with adversity.

    We participate in SURVIVOR to share our experiences and our insights
    so that we can grow and learn together, therefore we maintain a
    supportive environment in this echo.

    We recognize the right and responsibility of the individual to make
    his or her own choices, and we respect one another's point of view.

    No participants will be included or excluded on the basis of their
    vital statistics, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, medical history,
    and/or sexual preferences.

    Sex, religion, and politics are off topic except by prior arrangement
    with the moderators.

    No form of proselytizing is allowed, including (but not limited to)
    advertisements for commercial products and/or commercial services,
    advertisements for religious literature, and "witnessing for Christ"
    or otherwise seeking converts to any one religion in particular.

    The use of pseudonyms is permissible in this echo, but no messages
    may be posted from an "anonymous remailer".

    Rulings by the moderators are not open for discussion in the echo.
    If you have a problem with a ruling, please discuss it in private.

    ... Life is about communicating!

    Cheers... Dallas

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    # Origin: The BandMaster, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/715)
    # Origin: LiveWire BBS -=*=- telnet://livewirebbs.com (1:2320/100)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Dallas Hinton@1:2320/100 to All on Thu Jul 28 22:55:34 2016

    SURVIVOR is a mutual support echo for people who are experiencing or
    who have an interest in adversity. The content of the echo may be
    quite varied, but all material must have some relevance to dealing
    with adversity.

    We participate in SURVIVOR to share our experiences and our insights
    so that we can grow and learn together, therefore we maintain a
    supportive environment in this echo.

    We recognize the right and responsibility of the individual to make
    his or her own choices, and we respect one another's point of view.

    No participants will be included or excluded on the basis of their
    vital statistics, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, medical history,
    and/or gender identity.

    Sex, religion, and politics are off topic except by prior arrangement
    with the moderators.

    No form of proselytizing is allowed, including (but not limited to)
    advertisements for commercial products and/or commercial services,
    advertisements for religious literature, and "witnessing for Christ"
    or otherwise seeking converts to any one religion in particular.

    The use of pseudonyms is permissible in this echo, but no messages
    may be posted from an "anonymous remailer".

    Rulings by the moderators are not open for discussion in the echo.
    If you have a problem with a ruling, please discuss it in private.

    ... Life is about communicating!

    Cheers... Dallas

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    # Origin: The BandMaster, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/715)
    # Origin: LiveWire BBS -=*=- telnet://livewirebbs.com (1:2320/100)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/100 to Dallas Hinton on Mon May 1 10:06:48 2017


    I saw your note about your BBS going "internet only" for lack of
    users. I'd like to know if this echo will keep going.

    I've had several complications from kidney stone and bladder stone
    surgery almost 3 weeks ago, including Emergency Room trips with
    catheter issues. Then, I have prostate surgery next week. I think
    my wallet will hurt far more than any pain I experience. :P


    ... Dog expelled from Obedience School: Kid ate his homework.
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.50

    --- Virtual Advanced Ver 2 for DOS
    # Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS (1:19/33)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Dallas Hinton@1:2320/100 to Daryl Stout on Tue May 2 23:27:00 2017
    Hi Daryl -- on May 01 2017 at 10:06, you wrote:

    I saw your note about your BBS going "internet only" for lack of
    users. I'd like to know if this echo will keep going.

    Absolutely -- the BBS shutdown only affects callers; Ardith and I are still here although we seem to have been awfully busy of late! We're working on finding housing for our daughter (you may recall she's handicapped) and that's a hugely time-consuming task!

    I've had several complications from kidney stone and bladder stone surgery almost 3 weeks ago, including Emergency Room trips with
    catheter issues. Then, I have prostate surgery next week. I think my
    wallet will hurt far more than any pain I experience. :P

    Thank goodness we have government supported medicine - none of your issues would cost us anything, and things like an ambulance, crutches, etc are covered

    by our extended medical plan (for which we pay a few hundred per year). Let's hope both you and your wallet have a speedy recovery! :-)

    Cheers... Dallas

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    # Origin: The BandMaster, CANADA [telnet: bandmaster.tzo.com] (1:153/7715)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/100 to Dallas Hinton on Thu May 4 17:31:02 2017

    Absolutely -- the BBS shutdown only affects callers; Ardith and I are still here although we seem to have been awfully busy of late! We're working on finding housing for our daughter (you may recall she's handicapped) and that's a hugely time-consuming task!

    I have a similar deal, being part time caregiver for my 90 year old
    Mom, who has congestive heart failure, and atrial fibrillation. They have
    her stabilized on the Lasix, but she doesn't go out unless I'm driving.

    Thank goodness we have government supported medicine - none of your issues would cost us anything, and things like an ambulance, crutches, etc are covered by our extended medical plan (for which we pay a few hundred per year). Let's hope both you and your wallet have a speedy recovery! :-)

    When I looked on a website today concerning my account, it was hard to
    tell if stuff was still out on insurance, or if they were going to go
    ahead and pay it (I did fill out a comprehensive financial assistance
    form). But, at least for today, the first outpatient surgery...followed
    by an Emergency Room Trip each of the last 2 Saturdays, had original
    total costs of almost $27,000. Yet today, all I owed was $1.63 -- I wish
    ALL my medical bills were that low!! I have Medicare (since I've been
    fully disabled since July, 2004), but no Medicaid or supplemental
    insurance. But, it's true...folks are only one illness away from going
    into bankruptcy.


    ... 9 in 10 doctors believe that Epoxy can be cured.
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.50

    --- Virtual Advanced Ver 2 for DOS
    # Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS (1:19/33)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Dallas Hinton@1:2320/100 to Daryl Stout on Fri May 5 14:04:09 2017
    Hi Daryl -- on May 04 2017 at 17:31, you wrote:

    When I looked on a website today concerning my account, it was
    hard to tell if stuff was still out on insurance, or if they were
    going to go ahead and pay it (I did fill out a comprehensive
    financial assistance form). But, at least for today, the first
    outpatient surgery...followed by an Emergency Room Trip each of the
    last 2 Saturdays, had original total costs of almost $27,000. Yet
    today, all I owed was $1.63 -- I wish ALL my medical bills were that

    That's a nice discount! :-)

    low!! I have Medicare (since I've been fully disabled since July,
    2004), but no Medicaid or supplemental insurance. But, it's
    true...folks are only one illness away from going into bankruptcy.

    Not a good situation - not at all fair, imo.

    Cheers... Dallas

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    # Origin: The BandMaster, CANADA [telnet: bandmaster.tzo.com] (1:153/7715)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/100 to Dallas Hinton on Sat May 6 21:05:19 2017

    When I looked on a website today concerning my account, it was
    hard to tell if stuff was still out on insurance, or if they were
    going to go ahead and pay it (I did fill out a comprehensive
    financial assistance form). But, at least for today, the first
    outpatient surgery...followed by an Emergency Room Trip each of the
    last 2 Saturdays, had original total costs of almost $27,000. Yet
    today, all I owed was $1.63 -- I wish ALL my medical bills were that

    That's a nice discount! :-)

    Well, I spoke too soon. I saw another bill for $615. That's still better
    than $27,000...but that's $615 I don't have. I did call their billing
    office, and they said it hadn't shown up there yet...but they did note
    that they did receive my financial assistance application form. However,
    they noted that it'd take a month to process (I guess they have a lot of them)...but they noted if they didn't "write it off", I could set up a
    payment plan.

    low!! I have Medicare (since I've been fully disabled since July,
    2004), but no Medicaid or supplemental insurance. But, it's
    true...folks are only one illness away from going into bankruptcy.

    Not a good situation - not at all fair, imo.

    Exactly. And, don't get me started on the Health Care Act between
    the political parties. They themselves won't make them subject to it.


    ... Too old to cut the mustard; but can still stir the mayo.
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.50

    --- Virtual Advanced Ver 2 for DOS
    # Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS (1:19/33)
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)
  • From Ardith Hinton@1:153/716 to Nathan Prugh on Sat May 21 00:12:08 2011
    Usually we post the rules of the echo on or around the 28th of each month, but I'll do it a bit earlier this time. :-)


    SURVIVOR is a mutual support echo for people who are experiencing or
    who have an interest in adversity. The content of the echo may be
    quite varied, but all material must have some relevance to dealing
    with adversity.

    We participate in SURVIVOR to share our experiences and our insights
    so that we can grow and learn together, therefore we maintain a
    supportive environment in this echo.

    We recognize the right and responsibility of the individual to make
    his or her own choices, and we respect one another's point of view.

    No participants will be included or excluded on the basis of their
    vital statistics, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, medical history,
    and/or sexual preferences.

    Sex, religion, and politics are off topic except by prior arrangement
    with the moderators.

    No form of proselytizing is allowed, including (but not limited to)
    advertisements for commercial products and/or commercial services,
    advertisements for religious literature, and "witnessing for Christ"
    or otherwise seeking converts to any one religion in particular.

    The use of pseudonyms is permissible in this echo, but no messages
    may be posted from an "anonymous remailer".

    Rulings by the moderator(s) are not open for discussion in the echo.
    If you have a problem with a ruling, please discuss it in private.

    ... Life is about communicating!

    Cheers... Dallas

    The SURVIVOR echo is available via Fidonet 1:153/7715 [604-266-5271]
    and Telnet [bandmaster.tzo.com].

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Wits' End, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/716)
  • From Dallas Hinton@1:153/715 to All on Sat Dec 28 19:11:00 2024
    SURVIVOR is a mutual support echo for people who are experiencing or
    who have an interest in adversity. The content of the echo may be
    quite varied, but all material must have some relevance to dealing
    with adversity.

    We participate in SURVIVOR to share our experiences and our insights
    so that we can grow and learn together, therefore we maintain a
    supportive environment in this echo.

    We recognize the right and responsibility of the individual to make
    his or her own choices, and we respect one another's point of view.

    No participants will be included or excluded on the basis of their
    vital statistics, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, medical history,
    and/or gender identity.

    Sex, religion, and politics are off topic except by prior arrangement
    with the moderators.

    No form of proselytizing is allowed, including (but not limited to)
    advertisements for commercial products and/or commercial services,
    advertisements for religious literature, and "witnessing for Christ"
    or otherwise seeking converts to any one religion in particular.

    The use of pseudonyms is permissible in this echo, but no messages
    may be posted from an "anonymous remailer".

    Rulings by the moderators are not open for discussion in the echo.
    If you have a problem with a ruling, please discuss it in private.

    ... Life is about communicating!

    Cheers... Dallas

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: The BandMaster, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/715)