• Re: western rail service, was 7 dead

    From John Levine@1:2320/100 to All on Wed Feb 4 20:37:02 2015

    From: johnl@iecc.com

    XPost: nyc.politics, soc.women, sac.politics
    XPost: alt.society.liberalism

    Stupid crash aside, am I the ONLY westerner who wonders why the
    east coast enjoys such lavish rail service while western states
    have almost no rail service at all?

    You might want to contact your elected representatives. Most western
    reps are much more eager to shut Amtrak down than extend its skeletal

    Because, you know, Amtrak is socialism, while government paid roads
    paid for out of the general fund because the gas tax fund is empty,
    patrolled by government paid police, and government owned airports with
    FAA employees directing air traffic are freedom.


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