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    From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to Andrew Leary on Fri Nov 24 22:35:00 2017
    Hello Andrew,

    Sorry to cause so much noise in here by showing up and giving Ward the opportunity to continue his attempts to discredit me.

    Please ignore. This is not the proper place for that. Dont let it discourage you from doing what you are doing for MakeNl. You are doing a fine job.

    I think what Kees proposed is a good idea and will be a valuable addition. And Kees did comply with Thorvalds rule: he showed you the source.

    I may be wrong, nothing may come of it. I still say go ahead. If nothing else, it will give you an incentive to have another look at the source and fire up the compiler. Just so that you that you stay in touch.

    Cheers, Michiel

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: http://www.vlist.eu (2:280/5555)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Michiel van der Vlist on Sat Nov 25 00:19:46 2017

    Sorry to cause so much noise in here by showing up and giving Ward the opportunity to continue his attempts to discredit me.

    Allow me to crosspost something I wrote in ENET.SYSOP ...

    **************************************************************************** Date: 13 Nov 17 00:45:21
    From: Ward Dossche
    To: All Z2 Sysops
    Subj: FTSC election ____________________________________________________________________________
    Within hours of voting opening, he cast as predicted his vote so-called based on a poll of his region, voting "no" for 3 people in this particular election who actually kept the FTSC going for years: Bjorn Felten, Michiel van der Vlist
    and Alexey Vissarionov (I hope I spelled it right).

    Please help stop this madness and encourage your RC to defer casting votes in negativity. ****************************************************************************

    Or from the R29 sysop-echo:

    **************************************************************************** Date: 13 Nov 17 15:38:33
    From: Ward Dossche
    To: Tom De Puysseleyr
    Subj: Re: FTSC verkiezing ____________________________________________________________________________ ...
    Michiel van der Vlist ...
    Lijkt me in elk geval iemand die technisch wel op de hoogte is.

    En die de FTSC trekt en in leven houdt. Haal hem er uit en het zit op zijn
    gat. ****************************************************************************

    ... and ...

    **************************************************************************** Date: 13 Nov 17 11:24:26
    From: Ward Dossche
    To: Tom De Puysseleyr
    Subj: Re: FTSC verkiezing ____________________________________________________________________________ ...
    De manier waarop hij 292 behandelde was niet netjes en het zou heel gemakkelijk
    zijn in de huidige tijdsgeest om voldoende RCs op te ruien hem uit de FTSC te stemmen ... maar wat dan? Hij is de enige die de zaak nog draaiende houdt. Wie niet voor hem kiest hoort niet in Fidonet. ****************************************************************************

    To assist people from not having to resort to google-translate, the last sentence reads... "He who doesn't vote for him does not belong in Fidonet".

    Seems to me I have been singing your praise rather than discrediting you ...

    I could have mentioned to people that you manually edited the net-292 segment, but I haven't.

    I could have mentioned to people that you pressured NC292 to change his segment
    by writing him netmail and signing it with "Chairman FTSC" while you publicly claim in FTSC-documents that the FTSC does not enforce, but I haven't.

    And "yes", it was pretty silly how as RC28 you nominated yourself in the FTSC-election, with the next message this time written as an individual sysop accepting the nomination, and with the next message written as Election Coordinator acknowleding the acceptance of the nomination. The collection of hats you maintain is impressive.

    This is not the proper place for that.

    Declaring something inconvenient off-topic ... now where have I heard that before? In the FTSC-echo perhaps?

    Take care,


    --- D'Bridge 3.99
    * Origin: Resist-Insist-Persist-Enlist / onwardtogether.org (2:292/854)