• Camping

    From Ross Sauer@1:2320/100 to All on Mon May 23 06:20:02 2011
    (Does "The Move")


    I've already read of families who gave everything they have away, and gave
    all their money to "Pastor" Camping's sick delusionary cult.

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----

    Just saw this article.

    "Flabbergasted" my ass.

    The man who said the world was going to end appeared at his front door in Alameda a day later, very much alive but not so well.

    "It has been a really tough weekend," said Harold Camping, the 89-year-old fundamentalist radio preacher who convinced hundreds of his followers that
    the rapture would occur on Saturday at 6 p.m.

    Massive earthquakes would strike, he said. Believers would ascend to heaven
    and the rest would be left to wander a godforsaken planet until Oct. 21,
    when Camping promised a fiery end to the world.

    But on Sunday, almost 18 hours after he thought he'd be in heaven, there
    was Camping, "flabbergasted" in Alameda, wearing tan slacks, a tucked-in
    polo shirt and a light jacket.

    http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi? f=/c/a/2011/05/22/BAKO1JJIK7.DTL&tsp=1

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