The bands were wide open for the CQWW SSB Contest Last weekend.
It looks like the solar conditions are picking up. Been working a lot
of 12 meter FT8 looking for new countries too.
Looks like we can expect the same for the CQWW CW Contest the end of
the month and also for the WAE RTTY Contest in a week.
I talked to several hams, and they said that with all the contesters...
many tuning up, etc. on top of was almost impossible to do
nets, etc. -- unless you were on the WARC bands.
This weekend is the ARRL CW Sweepstakes, with the Phone Sweepstakes in
2 weeks.
Contesting never appealed to me, though. Yet, with ham radio, there's something in it for everybody. My niches are traffic nets, VE Testing,
and doing a forum for new hams.
Daryl, WX4QZ
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