Hello Rick!
21 Feb 23 16:38, you wrote to me:
What is the proper way to set an echo or echo's to passthrough
I have them like this:
EchoArea politics passthrough -a 3:633/280 -g F -tooold 60
-dupeCheck move -dupehistory 365 -sbkeepall
so like in say your "areas" file? You just add passthrough in front of
The only thing missing from that sample line is the connected nodes.
The word "passthrough" replaces the path to the jam/squish message file, and also there are no referance to the base type.
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220409
* Origin: Dragon's Lair BBS, Telnet: dragon.vk3heg.net (3:633/280)