05 Nov 23 02:30, Martin Kazmaier wrote to All:
What files should I run this on? I'm trying to use *.QQQ from the inbound temp directory, but can't find anything in there. I'm trying
Afterunpack is run for .PKT files in your inbounds.
Beforepack is run for .QQQ files in your temp outbound.
It is in the doc. :)
=== Cut === - External programs (After Unpack)
In this field you may define an utility (program or batch file)
which will be run automatically after FastEcho finishes the unpacking
operation of the incoming mail bundles (during the execution of the
"FastEcho TOSS" command). In this way you can process intermediately
all incoming mail packets (*.PKT) in order to obtain, for example, sta-
tistical reports, packets pre-sorting, splitting of large mail packet
files and so on. Be careful to keep in due consideration that the ex-
tracted mail packets may reside in different directories according to
the directory you specified in "Pathnames" section for "Inbound",
"Temporary Inbound" and "Local Inbound". For our tutorial, leave this
field empty. - External programs (Before Pack)
This option is very similar to the previous one, the only differen-
ce is that, the present, will call an external program (or batch file
too) just before the archiving operation of the outgoing mail packets
will take place. Hereby, also, you may specify the program by writing
only its executable name and, if needed, all its switches; you could
define the pathnames too, but it's suggested only if the called program
cannot be found in the current directory or through your "DOS PATH" en-
vironment variable. Be careful because some PKT's utilities and prepro-
cessors operate on the mail packets having the *.PKT extension only,
while, in this case, the outgoing mail packets are in intermediate sta-
tus already having a *.QQQ extension. For our tutorial, leave this
field empty.
=== Cut ===
--- FastEcho/2 1.46.1 Revival
* Origin: =========================>>>> (2:221/1)