08 Dec 16 12:13, you wrote to me:
so what is your question/problem with FE?
When I try to import the Echolist or the Areas.BBS it asks for backbone.na or fidonte.na, both of which are no longer in use.
i haven't heard that... why would you think backbone.na is no longer in use?? it is only updated when necessary and these days, that may be a year or longer... it depends on when echos are added to the NAB and others may be removed...
i use backbone.na here on my FE... i have my setting in FE pointing to the file
area where backbone.na lands when it is hatched and arrives on my system...
I've tried using filegate.zxx, but I get an error.
because filegate.zxx is for tic/raid/allfix... it is not message areas but file
Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
... Writers should be read, but neither seen nor heard.
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