• Failed to unzip upgrade p

    From EARL BORAH@1:124/5013 to All on Thu Jan 31 19:12:17 2019
    Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 11:23:00 -0400
    From: EARL BORAH
    Subject: Failed to unzip upgrade p
    Newsgroups: win.server.wccasino
    Message-ID: <925928809.44.925896342@winserver.com>
    References: <925896342.44.0@winserver.com>
    X-WcMsg-Attr: Rcvd
    X-Mailer: Wildcat! Interactive Net Server v7.0.454.4
    Lines: 16

    is message received when trying to run blackjack client. Any ideas?

    Read the readme.txt file for wcNav -- it includes directions for copying
    a dunzip.dll file over an old version in your Windows directory, which
    is often the source of such problems.

    Also, when you post, don't include a long error message in the subject
    itself or it may be cut off (as yours was when I viewed it). Important information belongs in the message itself -- the subject is for
    summarizing what you're talking about.

    Earl Borah, co-sysop Chemeketa Online BBS
    30 dialup nodes (33.6 modems) (503) 315-4289
    Internet (Web/FTP/telnet/wcNav) bbs.chemeketa.edu
    ---- Offering college courses online since 1990 ----
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)