* An ongoing debate between Hawke and Ben Ritchey rages on ...
@TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A31
@MSGID: 1:2320/102 015cc971
@REPLY: 1:393/68 58cf1eb5
@TZUTC: -0400
We still connected? I toggled you back on :)
And you are making it to the Mystical side of the LiveWire too.
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Windows)
* Origin: Mystical Livewire - Rose Terrace, Kentucky (1:2320/102) SEEN-BY: 2320/100 102 120/544 154/30 3634/24 282/1031 266/404 393/68 261/38
SEEN-BY: 2320/0 1 227/0
@PATH: 2320/102 100
Looks like it :)
.- Keep the faith, --------------------------------------------------.
| |
| Ben aka cMech Web: http|ftp|binkp|
telnet://cmech.dynip.com |
| Email: fido4cmech(at)lusfiber.net |
| (:) Home page:
http://cmech.dynip.com/homepage/ | `----------- WildCat! Board 24/7 +1-337-984-4794 any BAUD 8,N,1 ---'
... Restaurants where black cardamoms have little legs give me the sweats!
--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC v1.1.5-b20161221 ... via Mystic BBS!
# Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)
* Origin: LiveWire BBS - Synchronet - LiveWireBBS.com (1:2320/100)