On Thursday March 22, 2018, Niklas Lindholm said to Carlos Roldan...
If you are running in emulator and have a shared filesystem between the Amiga and the host you also have the possibility to run mailer and
tosser on the host system. I'm running Binkp and Crashmail in Linux and NiKom can read the message base through the shared file system.
The rPi is such a great device. I was never able to get the Amiga port of
binkd running properly so I compiled binkd with amiga style outbound support
on a pi and connected the pi to my Amiga via a null modem cable and using
some scripting mail in now flowing without issue.
I really should see if I can compile the latest binkd source so that I can figure out why binkd never ran properly on my amiga :(
Frank Linhares - hysteriabbs.com - zeus 1.7 - amiga 4ooo
--- Zeus BBS 1.5
* Origin: hysteria - amiga 4ooo - hysteriabbs.com (1:229/100.0)