• Re: our GOP is run by 'cranks and crazies'

    From you didn't build that@1:2320/100 to alt.tv,rec.autos.sport.nascar,alt.m on Fri Sep 21 19:54:28 2012
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    On 9/21/2012 6:22 PM, uh trust me duh wrote:
    Australian politician says

    Who frigging cares?

    Ready for another tour of the internet, old man?


    Jan. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney
    donated $7 million to charity in the past two years, more than the $6.2 million the candidate and his wife paid in federal taxes in that period, documents the campaign released show.

    The Romneys donated about 16.4 percent of their adjusted gross income of
    $42.5 million in the two-year period, according to their 2010 tax
    returns and an estimate for 2011 taxes. The 2010 return shows $3 million
    in charitable contributions, and the 2011 estimate shows $4 million.

    At first glance, the dollar amount of the RomneysA charitable giving
    is oshocking,o Russell James, director of a graduate program in
    charitable financial planning at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, said
    in a telephone interview today.

    SEEN-BY: 2320/105 154/30 2320/100 0 1 227/0
  • From Glaasgok@1:2320/100 to alt.tv,rec.autos.sport.nascar,alt.m on Wed Dec 19 00:45:37 2012
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    how much of Mittsy's contribution went to actual charity and how much went
    to his cult?

    "you didn't build that" <govern@ment.did> wrote in message news:k3j5of$e0k$16@dont-email.me...
    On 9/21/2012 6:22 PM, uh trust me duh wrote:
    Australian politician says

    Who frigging cares?

    Ready for another tour of the internet, old man?


    Jan. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney
    donated $7 million to charity in the past two years, more than the $6.2 million the candidate and his wife paid in federal taxes in that period, documents the campaign released show.

    The Romneys donated about 16.4 percent of their adjusted gross income of $42.5 million in the two-year period, according to their 2010 tax returns and an estimate for 2011 taxes. The 2010 return shows $3 million in charitable contributions, and the 2011 estimate shows $4 million.

    At first glance, the dollar amount of the RomneysA charitable giving is oshocking,o Russell James, director of a graduate program in charitable financial planning at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, said in a
    telephone interview today.

    SEEN-BY: 2320/105 154/30 2320/100 0 1 227/0
  • From Wiseguy@1:2320/100 to alt.tv,rec.autos.sport.nascar,alt.m on Wed Dec 19 09:55:40 2012
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    "Glaasgok" <dubya54@XXXXyahoo.com> wrote in news:0wcAs.210730$OJ2.32658@en-nntp-11.dc1.easynews.com:

    how much of Mittsy's contribution went to actual charity and how much
    went to his cult?

    "The GOP is run by cranks and crazies" and you make an idiotic statement
    like that?

    Grow up.

    If the money went to people on welfare who didn't want to work then it
    would be ok, right?

    Grow up.

    SEEN-BY: 2320/105 154/30 2320/100 0 1 227/0
  • From Sanders Kaufman@1:2320/100 to alt.tv,rec.autos.sport.nascar,alt.m on Fri Dec 21 07:51:25 2012
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    "Glaasgok" wrote in message news:0wcAs.210730$OJ2.32658@en-nntp-11.dc1.easynews.com...

    how much of Mittsy's contribution went to actual charity and how much went >to his cult?

    Yeah - takes money from his right pocket, puts it in his left, and congratulates himself for his generosity.
    It doesn't get much more Xian than that.

    SEEN-BY: 2320/105 154/30 2320/100 0 1 227/0