• Notes for WABF15 (Dogtown)

    From Matt Garvey@1:2320/100 to alt.tv.simpsons on Sun May 21 17:34:28 2017
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    I've seen some crazy premises before, but what on earth was that? Not a solid season finale by a long shot, let alone a regular episode. SUPER SHORT (under 21 minutes even with credits), and what was with the couch gag first and then half opening leading into act 1?
    ...Marge returns a dog to "the Flanders"?
    Previous episode thing
    4F23: Homer eating dog food
    Rand McNally doesn't know what state Springfield is in.

    SEEN-BY: 2320/105 154/30 2320/100 0 1 227/0
  • From Michael Black@1:2320/100 to alt.tv.simpsons on Mon May 22 13:58:15 2017
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    On Sun, 21 May 2017, Matt Garvey wrote:

    I've seen some crazy premises before, but what on earth was that? Not a solid
    season finale by a long shot, let alone a regular episode. SUPER SHORT (under 21 minutes even with credits), and what was with the couch gag first and then half opening leading into act 1?

    ...Marge returns a dog to "the Flanders"?

    Previous episode thing
    4F23: Homer eating dog food

    Rand McNally doesn't know what state Springfield is in.

    I'm sure Rand McNally knows all the states that have Springfields, but we always lack full details so like the rest of us, they don't know which is
    the Springfield on the show.


    SEEN-BY: 2320/105 154/30 2320/100 0 1 227/0