Notes for VABF18 (Friends & Family)
Matt Garvey@1:2320/100 to on Sun Oct 2 17:43:12 2016
From Newsgroup:
Eh, episode was very much up and down. There were a few gags I enjoyed, and a bunch that were pretty dumb, but I actually liked the little confrontation between Homer and Marge near the end the best plotwise. Very short still. I also don't get the couch gag, but I'm not a smart phone haver.
...this was rated the full TV-14-DLSV (presumably for sexual content more than anything else)?
...a mo-cap ping-pong ball attached to the real (green-painted) one?
...a Wilhelm Scream in Burns's view of hell?
Previous episode stuff
5F02: Witch Bouvier sisters in the cloud gag
1F16: Burns's plot has shades of this with the family auditions (including Milhouse) and surrogacy, as well as Burns directing the family members (sorta) Meta stuff
Among other things: "Maggie talk! No one listen? Maggie never talk again", Marge complaining about not being given jokes
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