Notes for VABF10 (The Burns Cage) and VABF03 repeat
Matt Garvey@1:2320/100 to on Sun Apr 3 17:55:54 2016
From Newsgroup:
Not too bad, either the basic Smithers story or the Casablanca one (it helps to
be a fan of the movie, for sure), though the twist ending of the latter was weird and the whole thing was still very short. Nice cameo by Takei (as himself
for once).
Not any typical specific notes. But is it just me or is Fox not doing a little corner bug now?
Sam Simon
He's still around as EP. And has been since 3/6 (VABF08 and up, and reinserted in the repeat of VABF03, see below). Um. Why is that? Was the removal only temporary? Did some need to extend his credit come up? I wish I knew.
VABF03 repeat (3/20/16)
Two weeks ago, VABF03 re-ran. It was joined in progress in the east when some sports event ran over, and it used the now-typical shortened NABF21 opening (32
seconds) with the correct rating (old style, though new style afterward). After
that intro and ads, it came back at 7:15. AND Sam Simon's executive producer credit was back (the premieres of the first 7 VABFs didn't have it). So...??
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