• Notes for VABF07 (Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-Ne-He-CH4)

    From Matt Garvey@1:2320/100 to alt.tv.simpsons on Mon Feb 15 15:54:08 2016
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    That was pretty weird. There were some nuggets of interesting ideas (both plots, Frink's romantic adventure/contribution and the old folks' hallucinations), but they were mired in bad scripting and weird stupid gags. The actual hallucinations (specifically the old-timey environment of Abe's) were neat but that's about it. Nice that Glenn Close is available to come back for Mona time after time.
    I guess the episode title's chemical symbols refer to the major constituent of air, so "love is in the air".
    ...Pamela Hayden and Tress MacNeille have separate "also starring" screens now? Previous episode stuff
    AABF11: Skywriter from that Valentine's Day episode seems to be in the opening logo gag
    3F20: Springfield Heights Institute of Technology (abbreviate it) makes an appearance (funny, as the last episode to air also has a connection to 3F20) Dedication
    I'm guessing another cast member's parent has passed, because between the executive producers and cast list, a silent dedication shows up for a second, saying "IN MEMORY OF DAVID KAVNER". We'll see if it returns.

    SEEN-BY: 2320/105 154/30 2320/100 0 1 227/0
  • From Mr. Museum@1:2320/100 to alt.tv.simpsons on Sun Mar 27 13:30:20 2016
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    Love Is In The Air

    Couch gag has references to "Lawrence of Arabia". The scene where Lawrence and
    the Arabs attacked Aqaba.

    Springfield Heights Institute of Technology. That is where Apu got his Ph. D.
    And the acronym is ???

    Downward Doghouse Yoga Academy?

    TIME DISSOLVE magazine?

    Frink is doing Kookie Kwan, Nookie Kwan (#1 0n The East Side), and has upcoming
    dates with Crazy Cat Lady and Boobarella.

    Ms. Hoover is after Frink. And Frink drives a Hovermatronic Frink-A-Ma-Car.

    Is Abe's fantasy car a Studebaker?

    LIndsay Naegle, Lunchlady Doris, Agnes, Kookie Kwan, Ms. Hoover, and one of Marge's sisters is at the Planetarium.

    I have never seen "The Bachelor", so I had no idea what was happening at the planetarium.

    That female android is from "Metropolis".

    Mr. Museum

    SEEN-BY: 2320/105 154/30 2320/100 0 1 227/0