• Re: "The Simpsons" has nearly 150 episodes to go to break "Lassie's" r

    From Orson Wells as CitizenCain@1:2320/100 to rec.sport.pro-wrestling,alt.pro-wre on Sat Sep 27 01:17:31 2008
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    <Homer@NOSPAMFatHounds.com> wrote in message news:9fard493htppooefc1h1ie73jo5e193gp4@4ax.com...
    "Sarah Palin: Lie, Lie, Lie, Drill Drill Drill!" <MikePaulM@gmail.com>

    "We've had our ups and downs, but it seems like most people who say
    the show has gone downhill don't watch it," he says. "The latest
    episodes are as clever, complicated, sophisticated and wild as any we
    have ever done."

    All due respect to Mr Groening, "clever, complicated, sophisticated
    and wild" are NOT what made the Simpsons great. What made them great

    the blatant nudity (even Lisa went nearly naked when they wore nothing but ties while on Tracy Ullman), the "who-gives-a-shit" attitude present in both writing & animation, the fact that it looked like the whole family and
    almost the entire town were suffering from a mutated viral form of jaundice and the fact that Homer had a larger arrest record than Nick Nolte.

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