• Re: A polite inquiry

    From spooge@1:2320/100 to alt.flame,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.stup on Sat Nov 26 02:18:10 2005
    From Newsgroup: alt.tv.simpsons

    "Txt.Medium No. 5" <mhm29x21@meow.flonk> wrote in news:pan.2005. ia.meow.flonk.mockery.demon:

    On Wed, 23 Nov 2005 22:55:48 +0000, Thundercat Stevens gibbered out
    like a howler monkey:
    Art Deco wrote:
    Kadaitcha Man wrote:
    "Bill Cleere" wrote...
    Have those eyeball-hat wearing maggots chosen their new Head Lice
    It's impossible to chisel the jism off their posts sufficiently
    understand what they're raving about.

    Koput, you're tight with those piss-stained wretches. Make
    yourself useful, for once, by putting me in the picture,
    news-wise, and look sharp about it.

    Get me the goods, and maybe there's a shiny new Canadian fuckHead
    nickel in it for you, or maybe not.

    I cannot abuse that which has not been identified for my

    Are you still reading? God damn it, get *moving*! Bring me
    reliable information or bring me your own head on a plate, you
    insufferable toad!

    It's impossible to understand what are you raving about.

    Not to worry, Bruce, it's a snuh thing.

    What's it like, being ruled by a word, year after year?

    When did *SNUH* become a word? It's just an acronym...

    It's an unimaginative invented word from The Simpsons. Probably the worst episode ever written.

    Mind you, it works as an acronym for the idiots who flock to it.

    Shitheaded Nobrainedfuckwads Uttering Humorlesscraponusenet

    When I'm God
    Everyone dies

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