Looks like Rob/Digital Man has opened a ticket to address this issue on Synchronet's end, so possibly soon we won't have to see them either. Only downside is that it won't be as easy to see (of course, no tearline and origin line will still be noticeable) when someone has a misconfigured system, but at least we won't have to suffer if they don't choose to fix it. :)
It's not a silly question, but the answer is no. While the SEEN-BYs keep getting added to the message as it gets passed around, his original message doesn't have a tearline or origin line, which is why the SEEN-BYs are not hidden on software that specifically only hides them if there is a tearline and origin line.
I'm not in any hurry to address this in SBBSecho. The problem is
with the originator's configuration: they need an origin line in
their echomail messages. It's a critical source of metadata (the
originator's address) in all echomail messages.
oh THAT's why. i've always made sure i have my origin line on.
maybe i'll remote desktop this guy this weekend if i feel like it.
oh i tried to connect to his bbs. it's not connectable. i am not
even sure if that's the correct domain.
Hello Digital,
On Thu, Nov 28 2024 13:16:46 -0600, you wrote ..
I'm not in any hurry to address this in SBBSecho. The problem is
with the originator's configuration: they need an origin line in
their echomail messages. It's a critical source of metadata (the originator's address) in all echomail messages.
Understood and you know this, I know this, and others know this.
However, the half a dozen or more times the solution has been given to
the originator it has gone completely ignored. There's only so much we
can do. You can lead a horse to water etc etc. *shrug*
No idea on the rest of his situation. He seems to be trying to install
10 things at once and has none of them configured properly. Then gets
mad and defensive when people get frustrated trying to help him and he doesn't listen, completely ignores, or doesn't follow instructions very
well at all.
Eventually, people will just stop trying to help. *shrug*
Maybe he shouldn't even BE a sysop, maybe just be a user.
Maybe he shouldn't even BE a sysop, maybe just be a user.
It's worse:
Region,930,Colombia,Colombia,David_Gonzalez,-Unpublished-,33600,ICM,XA,V34,I BN: bbs.skynetbbs.com ,1,Colombia,Colombia,Davia_Gonzalez,-Unpublished-,300, CM,XA,IBN:bbs.skynetbbs.c om
Accession wrote to All <=-
Hello CJ,
On Thu, 28 Nov 2024 05:51:53 -0600, you wrote ..
Forgive me if this is a silly question, but wouldn't the problem lie somewhere in the chain of systems in the SEEN-BY lines? I mean, if
the message is originating from his system there would be no SEEN-BY
lines (other than maybe his own node) at the time the message is sent.
It's not a silly question, but the answer is no. While the SEEN-BYs
keep getting added to the message as it gets passed around, his
original message doesn't have a tearline or origin line, which is why
the SEEN-BYs are not hidden on software that specifically only hides
them if there is a tearline and origin line.
MRO wrote to CJ <=-
Re: Re: Newbie question
By: CJ to MRO on Thu Nov 28 2024 06:51 am
Hope this message goes w/out the kludge lines because I do not see them.
your post had the lines. did you try to change something?
Forgive me if this is a silly question, but wouldn't the problem lie somewhere in the chain of systems in the SEEN-BY lines? I mean, if the message is originating from his system there would be no SEEN-BY lines (other than maybe his own node) at the time the message is sent.
i've seen this before and the kluge lines were normally the
originator's fault. i havent dealt with this stuff for like 15 years so
i can't remember. i was never a ftn expert but i set it up on my own
and joined multiple networks with no issues.
right now we dont know what the dude is doing other than he's ignoring help from nick and he's overwealmed by the settings. he has not posted his configuration as well. ---
right now we dont know what the dude is doing other than he's ignorin help from nick and he's overwealmed by the settings. he has not posted his configuration as well. ---
Thanks MRO. I also saw the reply from Accession. It makes sense to me now.
Chris (CJ) SysOp - CJ's Place BBS
Wilfred van Velzen wrote to MRO <=-
Maybe he shouldn't even BE a sysop, maybe just be a user.
It's worse:
Wilfred van Velzen wrote to Dan Clough <=-
I guess Zone 4 is a shambles anyway and this is par for the course.
They are in the proces of reorganising the zone right now. The ZC is going through a steep learning curve regarding the nodelist content. These lines will improve in the coming days/weeks...
Maybe he shouldn't even BE a sysop, maybe just be a user.
It's worse:
,1,Colombia,Colombia,Davia_Gonzalez,-Unpublished-,300,CM,XA,IBN:bbs.sk ynetbbs.com
A person with this lack of knowledge should not even be an RC in the
first place.
It looks like he just picked random flags and decided to use them.
I guess Zone 4 is a shambles anyway and this is par for the course.
I guess Zone 4 is a shambles anyway and this is par for the course.
They are in the proces of reorganising the zone right now. The ZC is
going through a steep learning curve regarding the nodelist content.
These lines will improve in the coming days/weeks...
I hope you're right, but I wouldn't put any money on that.
David Gonzalez wrote to Accession <=-
oh i tried to connect to his bbs. it's not connectable. i am not
even sure if that's the correct domain.
No idea on the rest of his situation. He seems to be trying to install
10 things at once and has none of them configured properly. Then gets
mad and defensive when people get frustrated trying to help him and
he doesn't listen, completely ignores, or doesn't follow instructions
very well at all.
Really?, that's what you think?
Eventually, people will just stop trying to help. *shrug*
Re: Re: Newbie question
By: Accession to All on Thu Nov 28 2024 07:26 am
It's not a silly question, but the answer is no. While the SEEN-BYs
keep getting added to the message as it gets passed around, his
original message doesn't have a tearline or origin line, which is
why the SEEN-BYs are not hidden on software that specifically only
hides them if there is a tearline and origin line.
oh THAT's why. i've always made sure i have my origin line on.
maybe i'll remote desktop this guy this weekend if i feel like it.
oh i tried to connect to his bbs. it's not connectable.
i am not even sure if that's the correct domain.
þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
Hello Digital,
On Thu, Nov 28 2024 13:16:46 -0600, you wrote ..
I'm not in any hurry to address this in SBBSecho. The problem is
with the originator's configuration: they need an origin line in
their echomail messages. It's a critical source of metadata (the
originator's address) in all echomail messages.
Understood and you know this, I know this, and others know this.
However, the half a dozen or more times the solution has been given to
the originator it has gone completely ignored. There's only so much
we can do. You can lead a horse to water etc etc. *shrug*
... He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
ï¿ Synchronet ï¿ _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
Hello Mro,
On Thu, Nov 28 2024 16:57:23 -0600, you wrote ..
oh THAT's why. i've always made sure i have my origin line on.
maybe i'll remote desktop this guy this weekend if i feel like it.
Might be better off that way, to be honest.
oh i tried to connect to his bbs. it's not connectable. i am not
even sure if that's the correct domain.
No idea on the rest of his situation. He seems to be trying to install
10 things at once and has none of them configured properly. Then gets
mad and defensive when people get frustrated trying to help him and
he doesn't listen, completely ignores, or doesn't follow instructions
very well at all.
Eventually, people will just stop trying to help. *shrug*
... He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
ï¿ Synchronet ï¿ _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
Re: Re: Newbie question
By: Accession to Digital Man on Thu Nov 28 2024 05:55 pm
Hello Digital,
On Thu, Nov 28 2024 13:16:46 -0600, you wrote ..
I'm not in any hurry to address this in SBBSecho. The problem is
with the originator's configuration: they need an origin line in
their echomail messages. It's a critical source of metadata (the
originator's address) in all echomail messages.
Understood and you know this, I know this, and others know this.
However, the half a dozen or more times the solution has been given
to the originator it has gone completely ignored. There's only so
much we can do. You can lead a horse to water etc etc. *shrug*
Well you can't fix stupid. You can't do a work around each time
someone does something stupid. Remember a while back a person wanted
DM to lock out new users from posting by default in the bbs software because there were a few spammers?
The best thing to do is warn the person, tell them to use a testing
area only, and if they won't abide, block them.
þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
Re: Re: Newbie question
By: Accession to All on Thu Nov 28 2024 06:31 pm
No idea on the rest of his situation. He seems to be trying to
install 10 things at once and has none of them configured properly.
Then gets mad and defensive when people get frustrated trying to
help him and he doesn't listen, completely ignores, or doesn't
follow instructions very well at all.
Eventually, people will just stop trying to help. *shrug*
the reason why i think the domain he is using isnt his is because it's bbs.skynet.com. that domain is setup to direct to telesat.com. also
that domain goes back to 92. and there's no bbs.skynet.com subdomain. skynet.com COULD be his, but that would surprise me.
My opinion is this guy seems rushed and indecisive from what i've seen
on line. he should delete everything and then set it up again and only
use test areas.
Maybe he shouldn't even BE a sysop, maybe just be a user.
þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
* Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
On 2024-11-28 20:10:06, you wrote to Accession:
Maybe he shouldn't even BE a sysop, maybe just be a user.
It's worse:
Region,930,Colombia,Colombia,David_Gonzalez,-Unpublished-,33600,ICM,XA ,V34,IBN:bbs.skynetbbs.com ,1,Colombia,Colombia,Davia_Gonzalez,-Unpubl ished-,300,CM,XA,IBN:bbs.skynetbbs.com
Bye, Wilfred.
--- FMail-lnx64
* Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
Hello MRO!
28 Nov 24 16:57, you wrote to Accession:
You should've asked me LoL
Why, you wonder? For exactly the reasons he stated above. You've been offered all kinds of help, and get mad at those who tried. One thing
that doesn't change though, is that you continue to have all kinds of problems with very basic things, and don't seem to want to listen or
<GASP> read some documenation. You seem to not make any progress on anything, and just keep adding more mis-configurations.
I suspect he can fix the SEEN BY thing but since it has bothered a
lot of people he doesn't want to so that he can blame people for
complaining about it.
He got accepted to, and then quickly kicked out of, another network
for doing the same thing.
Dumas Walker wrote to DAN CLOUGH <=-
Why, you wonder? For exactly the reasons he stated above. You've been offered all kinds of help, and get mad at those who tried. One thing
that doesn't change though, is that you continue to have all kinds of problems with very basic things, and don't seem to want to listen or
<GASP> read some documenation. You seem to not make any progress on anything, and just keep adding more mis-configurations.
I suspect he can fix the SEEN BY thing but since it has bothered a lot
of people he doesn't want to so that he can blame people for
complaining about it.
He got accepted to, and then quickly kicked out of, another network for doing the same thing.
I imagine the learning curve for some, just coming around now, with no previous experience, and on a 30+ year old hobby that doesn't draw much attention any more is probably more difficult than any one of us that
have been doing it for years can assume. A little patience can go a long way, I suppose.
I feel like he may have jumped into the deep end, by starting multiple tasks/fires all at the same time without any prior knowledge (even
including the operating system he chose to use). Only now is beginning
to focus on one thing at a time and get himself out of the mess he made
for himself. He'll figure it all out eventually.
He got accepted to, and then quickly kicked out of, another network
for doing the same thing.
I imagine the learning curve for some, just coming around now, with no previous experience, and on a 30+ year old hobby that doesn't draw much attention any more is probably more difficult than any one of us that
have been doing it for years can assume. A little patience can go a long way, I suppose.
I agree and normally don't like to see newbies treated like they are dumb. In
the case of the other network, however, he apparently gave the impression that
he was a returning sysop who knew what he was doing and then apparently blamed
the sysops of other network systems when he ran into problems.
Maybe they over-reacted and he is all right, but he does seem to be a little standoffish with the folks trying to help him here, too.
Sysop: | DaiTengu |
Location: | Appleton, WI |
Users: | 1,007 |
Nodes: | 10 (0 / 10) |
Uptime: | 174:32:57 |
Calls: | 13,143 |
Calls today: | 1 |
Files: | 186,574 |
D/L today: |
193 files (65,500K bytes) |
Messages: | 3,309,632 |