• An RBC question

    From Helmut Giese@hgiese@ratiosoft.com to comp.lang.tcl on Sun Mar 24 12:24:20 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.tcl

    Hello out there,
    I am venturing into new territory and want to use RBC. One thing that
    strikes me immediately is the handling of the time resp. x axis: All
    examples I saw so far label it with the number of samples.
    This strikes me as very odd. I am used to seeing scales like some
    seconds or some hundreds of milli seconds - but with several thousand
    data points.
    Surely I am missing something here.
    Any link to an example or other form of clarification will be greatly appreciated.
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Andreas Leitgeb@avl@logic.at to comp.lang.tcl on Sun Mar 24 11:59:13 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.tcl

    Helmut Giese <hgiese@ratiosoft.com> wrote:
    Hello out there,
    I am venturing into new territory and want to use RBC. One thing that
    strikes me immediately is the handling of the time resp. x axis: All
    examples I saw so far label it with the number of samples.
    This strikes me as very odd. I am used to seeing scales like some
    seconds or some hundreds of milli seconds - but with several thousand
    data points.
    Surely I am missing something here.
    Any link to an example or other form of clarification will be greatly appreciated.

    I only find some "Royal Bank of ..." in Google. What RBC do you
    have in mind?

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Helmut Giese@hgiese@ratiosoft.com to comp.lang.tcl on Sun Mar 24 14:04:25 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.tcl

    Andreas Leitgeb <avl@logic.at> schrieb:

    Helmut Giese <hgiese@ratiosoft.com> wrote:
    Hello out there,
    I am venturing into new territory and want to use RBC. One thing that
    strikes me immediately is the handling of the time resp. x axis: All
    examples I saw so far label it with the number of samples.
    This strikes me as very odd. I am used to seeing scales like some
    seconds or some hundreds of milli seconds - but with several thousand
    data points.
    Surely I am missing something here.
    Any link to an example or other form of clarification will be greatly

    I only find some "Royal Bank of ..." in Google. What RBC do you
    have in mind?

    My fault, I assumed it was common knowledge. RBC is a (the?) successor
    to BLT - the great graphcical package from a George Howlett.
    As far as I recall
    - he worked on it all by himself
    - never reacted to any attempt to contact him and
    - eventually quit.
    I believe BLT never made it into 8.5 - but certainly not into 8.6.
    So some nice people took over and released at least parts of it as
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Gerald Lester@Gerald.Lester@gmail.com to comp.lang.tcl on Sun Mar 24 08:17:10 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.tcl

    On 3/24/24 06:24, Helmut Giese wrote:
    Hello out there,
    I am venturing into new territory and want to use RBC. One thing that
    strikes me immediately is the handling of the time resp. x axis: All
    examples I saw so far label it with the number of samples.
    This strikes me as very odd. I am used to seeing scales like some
    seconds or some hundreds of milli seconds - but with several thousand
    data points.
    Surely I am missing something here.
    Any link to an example or other form of clarification will be greatly appreciated.

    I've not worked with RBC, but BLT used to be able to handle times on the X-axis.

    I think Ron Fox may have used RBC.

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From clt.to.davebr@clt.to.davebr@dfgh.net to comp.lang.tcl on Sun Mar 24 16:56:58 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.tcl

    I am venturing into new territory and want to use RBC. One thing that
    strikes me immediately is the handling of the time resp. x axis: All
    examples I saw so far label it with the number of samples.
    This strikes me as very odd. I am used to seeing scales like some
    seconds or some hundreds of milli seconds - but with several thousand
    data points.
    Surely I am missing something here.
    Any link to an example or other form of clarification will be greatly

    Some fragments from an old trending program using rbc::graph imported into the ::t2k:: namespace.
    A lot of the program is accessing data from a custom networked trend database (t2k is Trend2000)
    that is no longer used anywhere that I know of. However it does show how times can be formatted for display on the x axis of an rbc/blt graph.

    proc trend {win} {
    global t2k

    set g $win.g
    destroy $g
    ::t2k::graph $g -background darkSlateGray -foreground lightgray \
    -plotbackground black -plotrelief sunken
    $g axis configure x -command {formatTimeTick} -color lightgray
    $g legend configure -hide yes
    $g pen configure activeLine -symbol "" -linewidth 3
    $g grid on
    pack $g -side left -expand yes -fill both
    set t2k(win) $win
    set t2k(graph) $g
    set t2k(day,first) [date2Day [today]]
    set t2k(day,last) $t2k(day,first)
    t2k_ZoomStackTime $g
    t2k_Crosshairs $g

    # format time ticks as time and date

    proc formatTimeTick {graph sec} {
    if {[expr {$sec < 100000}]} {
    return [format {%11.8g} $sec]
    set ss [expr int($sec)]
    set sf [expr {int(1000*($sec - $ss) + 0.5)}]
    if {0 == $sf} { set sf ""} {set sf .[format %03d $sf]}
    return "[clock format $ss -format {%T}]$sf\n[clock format $ss -format {%x}]"

    t2k_ZoomStackTime and t2k_Crosshairs are from a modified library/graph.tcl from the rbc source.
    and are not needed for a basic trend graph.

    formatTimeTick displays date and time for large times, and fractions of seconds for short times.

    Dave B

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Helmut Giese@hgiese@ratiosoft.com to comp.lang.tcl on Mon Mar 25 19:05:17 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.tcl

    Hello Dave,
    Some fragments from an old trending program using rbc::graph imported into the ::t2k:: namespace.
    A lot of the program is accessing data from a custom networked trend database (t2k is Trend2000)
    that is no longer used anywhere that I know of. However it does show how times can be formatted for display on the x axis of an rbc/blt graph.

    thanks a lot for the example. I didn't quite get it to work but I
    beleive I have an idea now how to handle my "problem".
    Best regards

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From et99@et99@rocketship1.me to comp.lang.tcl on Mon Mar 25 13:58:39 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.tcl

    On 3/24/2024 6:04 AM, Helmut Giese wrote:
    Andreas Leitgeb <avl@logic.at> schrieb:

    Helmut Giese <hgiese@ratiosoft.com> wrote:
    Hello out there,
    I am venturing into new territory and want to use RBC. One thing that
    strikes me immediately is the handling of the time resp. x axis: All
    examples I saw so far label it with the number of samples.
    This strikes me as very odd. I am used to seeing scales like some
    seconds or some hundreds of milli seconds - but with several thousand
    data points.
    Surely I am missing something here.
    Any link to an example or other form of clarification will be greatly

    I only find some "Royal Bank of ..." in Google. What RBC do you
    have in mind?

    My fault, I assumed it was common knowledge. RBC is a (the?) successor
    to BLT - the great graphcical package from a George Howlett.
    As far as I recall
    - he worked on it all by himself
    - never reacted to any attempt to contact him and
    - eventually quit.
    I believe BLT never made it into 8.5 - but certainly not into 8.6.
    So some nice people took over and released at least parts of it as

    There's a subset of the original BLT available for 8.6. I found it from a post on the wiki on page https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/BLT down near the bottom about getting it from an androwish distribution file. I then also found a 64 bit version as I wrote on that page.

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Helmut Giese@hgiese@ratiosoft.com to comp.lang.tcl on Tue Mar 26 12:13:27 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.tcl

    Hi et99

    There's a subset of the original BLT available for 8.6. I found it from a post on the wiki on page https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/BLT down near the bottom about getting it from an androwish distribution file. I then also found a 64 bit version as I wrote on that page.
    that's cool. Many thanks for this link
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114