• Announce: tpack 0.3.1

    From Delf Groth@detlef@dgroth.de to comp.lang.tcl on Thu Mar 14 15:52:48 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.tcl

    Dear Tcl/Tk community,

    I am happy to present a new version of the tpack application.

    The application allows you to bundle your Tcl application in a single file similar like using Starkits with Tclkit executables or using Zipkits since Tcl 8.7.
    However tpack is just a simple Tcl script which works with all Tcl version from Tcl 8.4 and higher without the need of additional libraries.
    The user still needs to have a working Tcl installation on its own machine.

    Version 0.3.1 adds a new Github-Home and does a few documentation updates. License was as well changed from MIT to BSD.
    Since version 0.3.0 as well lz4 compression is possible of the Tcl script For executing these compressed scripts Tcl 8.5 or higher must be available on the Users machine.


    Homepage: https://github.com/mittelmark/tpack
    Download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mittelmark/tpack/main/tpack.tcl Manual: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/mittelmark/tpack/blob/master/doc/tpack.html
    Version: 0.3.1 - 2024-03-14
    License: BSD


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