• Not being a Haskell programmer is trendy!

    From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Fri Feb 2 20:46:12 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH5cxLNTTPo

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fm0y4K4YO8

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Fri Feb 2 21:00:41 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    BTW: The Go programming language which has direct
    style runs the primes example in 0.6 seconds.
    The primes example is here:

    The Go Playground

    Just choose the Concurrent Prime Sieve example.
    Twice as slow as the 0.3 seconds of Haskell but
    nevertheless faster than Prolog.

    For those interested was comparing to:

    Prolog Hand Rolled Lazy Lists via call/n: =============================================

    iter(F,A,A,iter(F,B)) :- call(F,A,B).

    take(0, _, []) :- !.
    take(N, C, [X|L]) :- M is N-1, call(C, X, D), take(M, D, L).

    modfilt(C, M, X, E) :- call(C, Y, D), modfilt2(D, M, Y, X, E).

    modfilt2(D, M, Y, X, E) :- Y mod M =:= 0, !, modfilt(D, M, X, E).
    modfilt2(D, M, X, X, modfilt(D,M)).

    primes(C, X, primes(modfilt(D,X))) :- call(C, X, D).

    /* on @emiruz machine */
    ?- time(take(5000,primes(iter(succ,2)),_)).

    % 38,009,267 inferences, 2.005 CPU in 2.005
    seconds (100% CPU, 18954407 Lips)


    Haskell David Turner's sieve (SASL Language Manual, 1983) =============================================

    sieve :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

    sieve [] = []

    sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, rem x p > 0]

    /* on @emiruz machine */
    time ./primes
    % real 0m0.312s
    % user 0m0.294s
    % sys 0m0.005s


    Disclaimer: Didn't run the Go version by myself
    yet. Have first to install Go etc.. Somebody
    else run it and reported 0.6 seconds.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH5cxLNTTPo

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fm0y4K4YO8

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Fri Feb 2 12:50:07 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    To be fair the problem itself is two loops, like here:

    Primes via two loops

    Which can do golang in 0.04 seconds. Is this translatable
    to Prolog? Maybe via nb_setarg or via Schimpf loops?

    Mild Shock schrieb am Freitag, 2. Februar 2024 um 21:00:44 UTC+1:
    BTW: The Go programming language which has direct
    style runs the primes example in 0.6 seconds.
    The primes example is here:

    The Go Playground

    Just choose the Concurrent Prime Sieve example.
    Twice as slow as the 0.3 seconds of Haskell but
    nevertheless faster than Prolog.

    For those interested was comparing to:

    Prolog Hand Rolled Lazy Lists via call/n: =============================================

    iter(F,A,A,iter(F,B)) :- call(F,A,B).

    take(0, _, []) :- !.
    take(N, C, [X|L]) :- M is N-1, call(C, X, D), take(M, D, L).

    modfilt(C, M, X, E) :- call(C, Y, D), modfilt2(D, M, Y, X, E).

    modfilt2(D, M, Y, X, E) :- Y mod M =:= 0, !, modfilt(D, M, X, E). modfilt2(D, M, X, X, modfilt(D,M)).

    primes(C, X, primes(modfilt(D,X))) :- call(C, X, D).

    /* on @emiruz machine */
    ?- time(take(5000,primes(iter(succ,2)),_)).

    % 38,009,267 inferences, 2.005 CPU in 2.005
    seconds (100% CPU, 18954407 Lips)


    Haskell David Turner's sieve (SASL Language Manual, 1983) =============================================

    sieve :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

    sieve [] = []

    sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, rem x p > 0]

    /* on @emiruz machine */
    time ./primes
    % real 0m0.312s
    % user 0m0.294s
    % sys 0m0.005s


    Disclaimer: Didn't run the Go version by myself
    yet. Have first to install Go etc.. Somebody
    else run it and reported 0.6 seconds.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH5cxLNTTPo

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fm0y4K4YO8

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Wed Feb 7 03:25:19 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Now there is a funny article on the net:

    The carcinization of Go programs

    "Carcinisation (American English: carcinization) is a form of
    convergent evolution in which non-crab crustaceans
    evolve a crab-like body plan."

    I guess it is meant:

    the crab = rust
    the non-crab = golang

    But I have some doubts. It seems there are indeed
    programmers that don't care about a concise and elegant
    language. Yesterday my good night lecture was this blog post:

    Request coalescing in async Rust

    I don't know what this is. A kind of Lambda Hell?
    Or some other sort of Hell? A generics parameterized
    types Hell as well? A storage concurrency annotation Hell?

    Thank god Prolog has no type declarations.

    Mild Shock schrieb am Freitag, 2. Februar 2024 um 21:50:09 UTC+1:
    To be fair the problem itself is two loops, like here:

    Primes via two loops

    Which can do golang in 0.04 seconds. Is this translatable
    to Prolog? Maybe via nb_setarg or via Schimpf loops?
    Mild Shock schrieb am Freitag, 2. Februar 2024 um 21:00:44 UTC+1:
    BTW: The Go programming language which has direct
    style runs the primes example in 0.6 seconds.
    The primes example is here:

    The Go Playground

    Just choose the Concurrent Prime Sieve example.
    Twice as slow as the 0.3 seconds of Haskell but
    nevertheless faster than Prolog.

    For those interested was comparing to:

    Prolog Hand Rolled Lazy Lists via call/n: =============================================

    iter(F,A,A,iter(F,B)) :- call(F,A,B).

    take(0, _, []) :- !.
    take(N, C, [X|L]) :- M is N-1, call(C, X, D), take(M, D, L).

    modfilt(C, M, X, E) :- call(C, Y, D), modfilt2(D, M, Y, X, E).

    modfilt2(D, M, Y, X, E) :- Y mod M =:= 0, !, modfilt(D, M, X, E). modfilt2(D, M, X, X, modfilt(D,M)).

    primes(C, X, primes(modfilt(D,X))) :- call(C, X, D).

    /* on @emiruz machine */
    ?- time(take(5000,primes(iter(succ,2)),_)).

    % 38,009,267 inferences, 2.005 CPU in 2.005
    seconds (100% CPU, 18954407 Lips)


    Haskell David Turner's sieve (SASL Language Manual, 1983) =============================================

    sieve :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

    sieve [] = []

    sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, rem x p > 0]

    /* on @emiruz machine */
    time ./primes
    % real 0m0.312s
    % user 0m0.294s
    % sys 0m0.005s


    Disclaimer: Didn't run the Go version by myself
    yet. Have first to install Go etc.. Somebody
    else run it and reported 0.6 seconds.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH5cxLNTTPo

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fm0y4K4YO8

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Sun Feb 11 14:34:09 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    I tried Erlang. But it cannot deal with the problem, because actors
    in Erlang have unbounded inboxes, and there is no backpressure from
    the consumer back to the producers. So the iterator producer will spin

    like wild and clog the processor. I can run N=100, but N=5000 explodes:


    above(PID, AT) ->
    PID ! AT,
    AT2 = AT+1,
    above(PID, AT2).

    filter(PID, MOD) ->
    AT -> if AT rem MOD =/= 0 ->
    PID ! AT;
    true -> true
    filter(PID, MOD).

    sift(PID) ->
    AT -> PID ! AT,
    PID2 = spawn(fun() -> sift(PID) end),
    filter(PID2, AT)

    take(COUNT) ->
    if COUNT =/= 0 ->
    AT -> if COUNT =:= 1 -> io:format("~w~n", [AT]);
    true -> true end
    COUNT2 = COUNT-1,
    true -> true

    main(_) ->
    PID = self(),
    PID2 = spawn(fun() -> sift(PID) end),
    spawn(fun() -> above(PID2, 2) end),
    % explodes:
    % take(5000).

    Mild Shock schrieb am Freitag, 2. Februar 2024 um 21:00:44 UTC+1:
    BTW: The Go programming language which has direct
    style runs the primes example in 0.6 seconds.
    The primes example is here:

    The Go Playground

    Just choose the Concurrent Prime Sieve example.
    Twice as slow as the 0.3 seconds of Haskell but
    nevertheless faster than Prolog.

    For those interested was comparing to:

    Prolog Hand Rolled Lazy Lists via call/n: =============================================

    iter(F,A,A,iter(F,B)) :- call(F,A,B).

    take(0, _, []) :- !.
    take(N, C, [X|L]) :- M is N-1, call(C, X, D), take(M, D, L).

    modfilt(C, M, X, E) :- call(C, Y, D), modfilt2(D, M, Y, X, E).

    modfilt2(D, M, Y, X, E) :- Y mod M =:= 0, !, modfilt(D, M, X, E). modfilt2(D, M, X, X, modfilt(D,M)).

    primes(C, X, primes(modfilt(D,X))) :- call(C, X, D).

    /* on @emiruz machine */
    ?- time(take(5000,primes(iter(succ,2)),_)).

    % 38,009,267 inferences, 2.005 CPU in 2.005
    seconds (100% CPU, 18954407 Lips)


    Haskell David Turner's sieve (SASL Language Manual, 1983) =============================================

    sieve :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

    sieve [] = []

    sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, rem x p > 0]

    /* on @emiruz machine */
    time ./primes
    % real 0m0.312s
    % user 0m0.294s
    % sys 0m0.005s


    Disclaimer: Didn't run the Go version by myself
    yet. Have first to install Go etc.. Somebody
    else run it and reported 0.6 seconds.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH5cxLNTTPo

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fm0y4K4YO8

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Sun Feb 11 14:39:30 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    An interesting experiment could be to distribute such actors
    via SWI-Prolog pengines over a couple of nodes in a network. Can
    it handle backpressure?

    How would it compare to these suggestions here:

    Golang: out-of-box backpressure handling with gRPC, proven by a Grafana dashboard
    gRPC and the underlying HTTP/2 protocol handle flow control. This means the server can only send data as fast as the client can consume, preventing overwhelming the client.

    What would be the dashboard?

    Mild Shock schrieb am Sonntag, 11. Februar 2024 um 23:34:11 UTC+1:
    I tried Erlang. But it cannot deal with the problem, because actors
    in Erlang have unbounded inboxes, and there is no backpressure from
    the consumer back to the producers. So the iterator producer will spin

    like wild and clog the processor. I can run N=100, but N=5000 explodes:


    above(PID, AT) ->
    PID ! AT,
    AT2 = AT+1,
    above(PID, AT2).

    filter(PID, MOD) ->
    AT -> if AT rem MOD =/= 0 ->
    PID ! AT;
    true -> true
    filter(PID, MOD).

    sift(PID) ->
    AT -> PID ! AT,
    PID2 = spawn(fun() -> sift(PID) end),
    filter(PID2, AT)

    take(COUNT) ->
    if COUNT =/= 0 ->
    AT -> if COUNT =:= 1 -> io:format("~w~n", [AT]);
    true -> true end
    COUNT2 = COUNT-1,
    true -> true

    main(_) ->
    PID = self(),
    PID2 = spawn(fun() -> sift(PID) end),
    spawn(fun() -> above(PID2, 2) end),
    % explodes:
    % take(5000).
    Mild Shock schrieb am Freitag, 2. Februar 2024 um 21:00:44 UTC+1:
    BTW: The Go programming language which has direct
    style runs the primes example in 0.6 seconds.
    The primes example is here:

    The Go Playground

    Just choose the Concurrent Prime Sieve example.
    Twice as slow as the 0.3 seconds of Haskell but
    nevertheless faster than Prolog.

    For those interested was comparing to:

    Prolog Hand Rolled Lazy Lists via call/n: =============================================

    iter(F,A,A,iter(F,B)) :- call(F,A,B).

    take(0, _, []) :- !.
    take(N, C, [X|L]) :- M is N-1, call(C, X, D), take(M, D, L).

    modfilt(C, M, X, E) :- call(C, Y, D), modfilt2(D, M, Y, X, E).

    modfilt2(D, M, Y, X, E) :- Y mod M =:= 0, !, modfilt(D, M, X, E). modfilt2(D, M, X, X, modfilt(D,M)).

    primes(C, X, primes(modfilt(D,X))) :- call(C, X, D).

    /* on @emiruz machine */
    ?- time(take(5000,primes(iter(succ,2)),_)).

    % 38,009,267 inferences, 2.005 CPU in 2.005
    seconds (100% CPU, 18954407 Lips)


    Haskell David Turner's sieve (SASL Language Manual, 1983) =============================================

    sieve :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

    sieve [] = []

    sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, rem x p > 0]

    /* on @emiruz machine */
    time ./primes
    % real 0m0.312s
    % user 0m0.294s
    % sys 0m0.005s


    Disclaimer: Didn't run the Go version by myself
    yet. Have first to install Go etc.. Somebody
    else run it and reported 0.6 seconds.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH5cxLNTTPo

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fm0y4K4YO8

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Wed Feb 14 06:45:55 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    What would be cool, if the actors could interact via websockets
    with each other. Not sure. Or anything that could provide some
    backpressure feedback. A websocket could provide backpressure

    in two ways, either by implicitly by blocking a single channel when
    sending payload, if this is possible, or more explicitly by using the
    other channel, for some control flow information.

    BTW: I missed this one: Already 5 years old /
    just before Corona [RFC 8441]:

    HTTP/2 WebSockets
    HTTP/2 was standardized in 2015 without any mention
    of WebSockets. For most of the time since then I assumed
    that there would be no WebSockets over HTTP/2. That
    changed in September last year with the publication of
    RFC 8441, which will be supported in browsers in 2019
    approximately 10 years after WebSockets were first introduced. https://medium.com/@pgjones/http-2-websockets-81ae3aab36dd

    Mild Shock schrieb am Sonntag, 11. Februar 2024 um 23:39:31 UTC+1:
    An interesting experiment could be to distribute such actors
    via SWI-Prolog pengines over a couple of nodes in a network. Can
    it handle backpressure?

    How would it compare to these suggestions here:

    Golang: out-of-box backpressure handling with gRPC, proven by a Grafana dashboard
    gRPC and the underlying HTTP/2 protocol handle flow control. This means the server can only send data as fast as the client can consume, preventing overwhelming the client.

    What would be the dashboard?
    Mild Shock schrieb am Sonntag, 11. Februar 2024 um 23:34:11 UTC+1:
    I tried Erlang. But it cannot deal with the problem, because actors
    in Erlang have unbounded inboxes, and there is no backpressure from
    the consumer back to the producers. So the iterator producer will spin

    like wild and clog the processor. I can run N=100, but N=5000 explodes: ```


    above(PID, AT) ->
    PID ! AT,
    AT2 = AT+1,
    above(PID, AT2).

    filter(PID, MOD) ->
    AT -> if AT rem MOD =/= 0 ->
    PID ! AT;
    true -> true
    filter(PID, MOD).

    sift(PID) ->
    AT -> PID ! AT,
    PID2 = spawn(fun() -> sift(PID) end),
    filter(PID2, AT)

    take(COUNT) ->
    if COUNT =/= 0 ->
    AT -> if COUNT =:= 1 -> io:format("~w~n", [AT]);
    true -> true end
    COUNT2 = COUNT-1,
    true -> true

    main(_) ->
    PID = self(),
    PID2 = spawn(fun() -> sift(PID) end),
    spawn(fun() -> above(PID2, 2) end),
    % explodes:
    % take(5000).
    Mild Shock schrieb am Freitag, 2. Februar 2024 um 21:00:44 UTC+1:
    BTW: The Go programming language which has direct
    style runs the primes example in 0.6 seconds.
    The primes example is here:

    The Go Playground

    Just choose the Concurrent Prime Sieve example.
    Twice as slow as the 0.3 seconds of Haskell but
    nevertheless faster than Prolog.

    For those interested was comparing to:

    Prolog Hand Rolled Lazy Lists via call/n: =============================================

    iter(F,A,A,iter(F,B)) :- call(F,A,B).

    take(0, _, []) :- !.
    take(N, C, [X|L]) :- M is N-1, call(C, X, D), take(M, D, L).

    modfilt(C, M, X, E) :- call(C, Y, D), modfilt2(D, M, Y, X, E).

    modfilt2(D, M, Y, X, E) :- Y mod M =:= 0, !, modfilt(D, M, X, E). modfilt2(D, M, X, X, modfilt(D,M)).

    primes(C, X, primes(modfilt(D,X))) :- call(C, X, D).

    /* on @emiruz machine */
    ?- time(take(5000,primes(iter(succ,2)),_)).

    % 38,009,267 inferences, 2.005 CPU in 2.005
    seconds (100% CPU, 18954407 Lips)


    Haskell David Turner's sieve (SASL Language Manual, 1983) =============================================

    sieve :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

    sieve [] = []

    sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, rem x p > 0]

    /* on @emiruz machine */
    time ./primes
    % real 0m0.312s
    % user 0m0.294s
    % sys 0m0.005s


    Disclaimer: Didn't run the Go version by myself
    yet. Have first to install Go etc.. Somebody
    else run it and reported 0.6 seconds.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH5cxLNTTPo

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fm0y4K4YO8

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Wed Feb 14 06:53:00 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Related to gRPC, but not yet provided by nginx:


    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2024 um 15:45:56 UTC+1:
    What would be cool, if the actors could interact via websockets
    with each other. Not sure. Or anything that could provide some
    backpressure feedback. A websocket could provide backpressure

    in two ways, either by implicitly by blocking a single channel when
    sending payload, if this is possible, or more explicitly by using the
    other channel, for some control flow information.

    BTW: I missed this one: Already 5 years old /
    just before Corona [RFC 8441]:

    HTTP/2 WebSockets
    HTTP/2 was standardized in 2015 without any mention
    of WebSockets. For most of the time since then I assumed
    that there would be no WebSockets over HTTP/2. That
    changed in September last year with the publication of
    RFC 8441, which will be supported in browsers in 2019
    approximately 10 years after WebSockets were first introduced. https://medium.com/@pgjones/http-2-websockets-81ae3aab36dd
    Mild Shock schrieb am Sonntag, 11. Februar 2024 um 23:39:31 UTC+1:
    An interesting experiment could be to distribute such actors
    via SWI-Prolog pengines over a couple of nodes in a network. Can
    it handle backpressure?

    How would it compare to these suggestions here:

    Golang: out-of-box backpressure handling with gRPC, proven by a Grafana dashboard
    gRPC and the underlying HTTP/2 protocol handle flow control. This means the server can only send data as fast as the client can consume, preventing overwhelming the client.

    What would be the dashboard?
    Mild Shock schrieb am Sonntag, 11. Februar 2024 um 23:34:11 UTC+1:
    I tried Erlang. But it cannot deal with the problem, because actors
    in Erlang have unbounded inboxes, and there is no backpressure from
    the consumer back to the producers. So the iterator producer will spin

    like wild and clog the processor. I can run N=100, but N=5000 explodes: ```


    above(PID, AT) ->
    PID ! AT,
    AT2 = AT+1,
    above(PID, AT2).

    filter(PID, MOD) ->
    AT -> if AT rem MOD =/= 0 ->
    PID ! AT;
    true -> true
    filter(PID, MOD).

    sift(PID) ->
    AT -> PID ! AT,
    PID2 = spawn(fun() -> sift(PID) end),
    filter(PID2, AT)

    take(COUNT) ->
    if COUNT =/= 0 ->
    AT -> if COUNT =:= 1 -> io:format("~w~n", [AT]);
    true -> true end
    COUNT2 = COUNT-1,
    true -> true

    main(_) ->
    PID = self(),
    PID2 = spawn(fun() -> sift(PID) end),
    spawn(fun() -> above(PID2, 2) end),
    % explodes:
    % take(5000).
    Mild Shock schrieb am Freitag, 2. Februar 2024 um 21:00:44 UTC+1:
    BTW: The Go programming language which has direct
    style runs the primes example in 0.6 seconds.
    The primes example is here:

    The Go Playground

    Just choose the Concurrent Prime Sieve example.
    Twice as slow as the 0.3 seconds of Haskell but
    nevertheless faster than Prolog.

    For those interested was comparing to:

    Prolog Hand Rolled Lazy Lists via call/n: =============================================

    iter(F,A,A,iter(F,B)) :- call(F,A,B).

    take(0, _, []) :- !.
    take(N, C, [X|L]) :- M is N-1, call(C, X, D), take(M, D, L).

    modfilt(C, M, X, E) :- call(C, Y, D), modfilt2(D, M, Y, X, E).

    modfilt2(D, M, Y, X, E) :- Y mod M =:= 0, !, modfilt(D, M, X, E). modfilt2(D, M, X, X, modfilt(D,M)).

    primes(C, X, primes(modfilt(D,X))) :- call(C, X, D).

    /* on @emiruz machine */
    ?- time(take(5000,primes(iter(succ,2)),_)).

    % 38,009,267 inferences, 2.005 CPU in 2.005
    seconds (100% CPU, 18954407 Lips)


    Haskell David Turner's sieve (SASL Language Manual, 1983) =============================================

    sieve :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

    sieve [] = []

    sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, rem x p > 0]

    /* on @emiruz machine */
    time ./primes
    % real 0m0.312s
    % user 0m0.294s
    % sys 0m0.005s


    Disclaimer: Didn't run the Go version by myself
    yet. Have first to install Go etc.. Somebody
    else run it and reported 0.6 seconds.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH5cxLNTTPo

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fm0y4K4YO8

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Wed Feb 14 13:29:46 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Woa! Not the direct style:

    Chapter 13: Asynchronous Tasks https://github.com/benweidig/a-functional-approach-to-java/tree/main/part-2/13-asynchronous-tasks

    From this book:

    Functional Approach to Java - Ben Weidig https://github.com/benweidig/a-functional-approach-to-java/tree/main/part-2/13-asynchronous-tasks

    So is this book already maculature when it was publish?

    What does your crystal ball say?

    Mild Shock schrieb am Freitag, 2. Februar 2024 um 20:46:14 UTC+1:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH5cxLNTTPo

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fm0y4K4YO8

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Wed Feb 14 13:33:13 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Corr.: Wrong 2nd link. This surfaced May 19, 2023:
    My book, “A Functional Approach to Java,” is finally here! https://medium.com/@benweidig/my-book-a-functional-approach-to-java-is-finally-here-697a512f0b5b
    Mild Shock schrieb am Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2024 um 22:29:49 UTC+1:
    Woa! Not the direct style:

    Chapter 13: Asynchronous Tasks https://github.com/benweidig/a-functional-approach-to-java/tree/main/part-2/13-asynchronous-tasks

    From this book:

    Functional Approach to Java - Ben Weidig https://github.com/benweidig/a-functional-approach-to-java/tree/main/part-2/13-asynchronous-tasks

    So is this book already maculature when it was publish?

    What does your crystal ball say?
    Mild Shock schrieb am Freitag, 2. Februar 2024 um 20:46:14 UTC+1:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH5cxLNTTPo

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fm0y4K4YO8

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Wed Feb 21 01:27:03 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    My revecent Async/Await surrogates for JDK 21
    provide coroutines with suspend/resume semantics.
    They are not continuations. They aim is to provide
    async/await and not only setTimeout().

    As a result you don't need to write libraries
    with a continuation parameters. This is very unlike
    nonsense such as the JavaScript express web framework.

    In contrast to a stackless coroutine a stackful
    coroutine can be suspended from within a nested
    stackframe. Execution resumes at exactly the same
    point in the code where it was suspended before.

    With a stackless coroutine, only the top-level routine
    may be suspended. Any routine called by that top-level
    routine may not itself suspend. This prohibits
    providing suspend/resume operations in routines within
    a general-purpose library. https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_57_0/libs/coroutine/doc/html/coroutine/intro.html#coroutine.intro.stackfulness

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH5cxLNTTPo

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fm0y4K4YO8

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Wed Feb 21 01:28:13 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Its also proof of concept that no stack copying
    is necessary. Well its not 100% true the Prolog
    interpreter does a little bit unwind and rewind

    during the '$YIELD'/1 instruction. But we do
    nowhere copy some native stack, this is unlike
    Martin Odersky's speculation, he might implement

    someting with stack copying. Except that a virtual
    threads might using a copying when they resize
    their stack, I don't see any need for copying.

    Also sometimes a callback can be piggy packed on
    an existing coroutine if it doesn't yield itself,
    I am already using this in Dogelog Player as an

    optimization. The idea to use semaphores in my
    implementation can be credited to this paper
    from 1980 where semaphores are the main switchpoint:

    Extension of Pascal and its Application to
    Quasi-Parallel Programming and Simulation, Software -
    Practice and Experience, 10 (1980), 773-789
    J. Kriz and H. Sandmayr

    But my experience with JDK 21 virtual threads
    is still poor, I am only beginning to explore them
    as a way to have a large number of coroutines.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    My revecent Async/Await surrogates for JDK 21
    provide coroutines with suspend/resume semantics.
    They are not continuations. They aim is to provide
    async/await and not only setTimeout().

    As a result you don't need to write libraries
    with a continuation parameters. This is very unlike
    nonsense such as the JavaScript express web framework.

    In contrast to a stackless coroutine a stackful
    coroutine can be suspended from within a nested
    stackframe. Execution resumes at exactly the same
    point in the code where it was suspended before.

    With a stackless coroutine, only the top-level routine
    may be suspended. Any routine called by that top-level
    routine may not itself suspend. This prohibits
    providing suspend/resume operations in routines within
    a general-purpose library. https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_57_0/libs/coroutine/doc/html/coroutine/intro.html#coroutine.intro.stackfulness

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Wed Feb 21 01:30:02 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Also the Kotlin language and runtime might suffer from
    not enough "DIRECT STYLE" and even ignoring Doug Leas java.util.concurrent.Flow, devlivering some bloated

    redundant nonsense I speculate from glossing over it.
    Flow has an interesting history. And all the new JDK 21
    integrate HTTP server and HTTP client make use of

    the interfaces bundled by the class Flow. But I am
    tapping into it via ordinary InputStream and OutputStream.

    Reactive Streams started as an initiative in late 2013
    between engineers at Netflix, Pivotal and Lightbend.
    Reactive Streams were proposed to become part of
    Java 9 by Doug Lea, leader of JSR 166 as a new Flow
    class that would include the interfaces currently
    provided by Reactive Streams.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Its also proof of concept that no stack copying
    is necessary. Well its not 100% true the Prolog
    interpreter does a little bit unwind and rewind

    during the '$YIELD'/1 instruction. But we do
    nowhere copy some native stack, this is unlike
    Martin Odersky's speculation, he might implement

    someting with stack copying. Except that a virtual
    threads might using a copying when they resize
    their stack, I don't see any need for copying.

    Also sometimes a callback can be piggy packed on
    an existing coroutine if it doesn't yield itself,
    I am already using this in Dogelog Player as an

    optimization. The idea to use semaphores in my
    implementation can be credited to this paper
    from 1980 where semaphores are the main switchpoint:

    Extension of Pascal and its Application to
    Quasi-Parallel Programming and Simulation, Software -
    Practice and Experience, 10 (1980), 773-789
    J. Kriz and H. Sandmayr

    But my experience with JDK 21 virtual threads
    is still poor, I am only beginning to explore them
    as a way to have a large number of coroutines.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    My revecent Async/Await surrogates for JDK 21
    provide coroutines with suspend/resume semantics.
    They are not continuations. They aim is to provide
    async/await and not only setTimeout().

    As a result you don't need to write libraries
    with a continuation parameters. This is very unlike
    nonsense such as the JavaScript express web framework.

    In contrast to a stackless coroutine a stackful
    coroutine can be suspended from within a nested
    stackframe. Execution resumes at exactly the same
    point in the code where it was suspended before.

    With a stackless coroutine, only the top-level routine
    may be suspended. Any routine called by that top-level
    routine may not itself suspend. This prohibits
    providing suspend/resume operations in routines within
    a general-purpose library.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@bursejan@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Wed Feb 21 03:43:49 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    The struggle of cloud world domination is real:

    They stole the golang syntax for send and recieve? https://ballerina.io/why-ballerina/concurrent/

    BTW: The original Tchaikovski's Swan Lake is here:

    Tchaikovski's Swan Lake that was broadcasted
    during August Coup in all Soviet television (collapse of USSR) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj2c6vJvyPA

    So ballerina.io wants to see Google golang collapse,
    because its too Russian (founder Sergey Brin is Russian).

    Ok, enough galopping horses.

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Fri Mar 1 17:45:20 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Can the golang interfaces handling be compared to lazy/sharing
    in the non-strict semantics of Haskell? Just curious, maybe
    there is nevertheless a chance to speed up Prolog call/n.

    After all Haskell and Prolog are very similar they champion
    non-strict features. Most novice Prolog programmers are
    suprised by this behaviour, and that they need to invoke is/2,

    making evaluation explicit, why is it not implicit like in every
    other programming language (warning the example could
    be misleading, its not what I am attacking, only motivation here):

    ?- X = 1+2.
    X = 1+2

    But then there are other more important corner where Prolog
    and Haskell are basically the same, i.e. call/n.

    The sharing in Haskell could then give semantic to monomorphic
    and polymorphic caches. Did somebody write a paper about
    golang interfaces handling, relating it to non-strict behaviour?

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH5cxLNTTPo

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fm0y4K4YO8

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Fri Mar 1 17:47:47 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Motivation, it is now widespread assume that
    Prolog has call/n. But testing shows that both
    Scryer Prolog and Trealla Prolog chocke even on

    call/1. But then we find this proposal which
    includes maplist/n, foldl/4, etc..

    A Prologue for Prolog - post-N290 https://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/ulrich/iso-prolog/prologue

    But is there a Prolog technology that makes
    call/n fast in the first place?

    Mild Shock schrieb:

    Can the golang interfaces handling be compared to lazy/sharing
    in the non-strict semantics of Haskell? Just curious, maybe
    there is nevertheless a chance to speed up Prolog call/n.

    After all Haskell and Prolog are very similar they champion
    non-strict features. Most novice Prolog programmers are
    suprised by this behaviour, and that they need to invoke is/2,

    making evaluation explicit, why is it not implicit like in every
    other programming language (warning the example could
    be misleading, its not what I am attacking, only motivation here):

    ?- X = 1+2.
    X = 1+2

    But then there are other more important corner where Prolog
    and Haskell are basically the same, i.e. call/n.

    The sharing in Haskell could then give semantic to monomorphic
    and polymorphic caches. Did somebody write a paper about
    golang interfaces handling, relating it to non-strict behaviour?

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Fri Mar 1 17:57:17 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    BTW: I retract my claim that Trealla Prolog
    chokes on call/1. This is amazing. Try this program:

    ?- [user].
    p(X) :- X = (Y is 1+2, _ is Y+3).

    First SWI-Prolog:

    /* SWI-Prolog */
    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),call(X),fail; true)).
    % 2,999,998 inferences, 0.516 CPU in 0.508 seconds (101% CPU, 5818178 Lips)
    X = (_A is 1+2, _ is _A+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),call(X),fail; true)).
    % 3,999,998 inferences, 0.594 CPU in 0.580 seconds (102% CPU, 6736839 Lips)

    Then Trealla Prolog:

    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),X,fail; true)).
    % Time elapsed 0.244s, 4000003 Inferences, 16.363 MLips
    X = (_A is 1+2,_B is _A+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),X,fail; true)).
    % Time elapsed 0.399s, 6000003 Inferences, 15.047 MLips

    Whats going on, why is it faster?

    Mild Shock schrieb:

    Motivation, it is now widespread assume that
    Prolog has call/n. But testing shows that both
    Scryer Prolog and Trealla Prolog chocke even on

    call/1. But then we find this proposal which
    includes maplist/n, foldl/4, etc..

    A Prologue for Prolog - post-N290 https://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/ulrich/iso-prolog/prologue

    But is there a Prolog technology that makes
    call/n fast in the first place?

    Mild Shock schrieb:

    Can the golang interfaces handling be compared to lazy/sharing
    in the non-strict semantics of Haskell? Just curious, maybe
    there is nevertheless a chance to speed up Prolog call/n.

    After all Haskell and Prolog are very similar they champion
    non-strict features. Most novice Prolog programmers are
    suprised by this behaviour, and that they need to invoke is/2,

    making evaluation explicit, why is it not implicit like in every
    other programming language (warning the example could
    be misleading, its not what I am attacking, only motivation here):

    ?- X = 1+2.
    X = 1+2

    But then there are other more important corner where Prolog
    and Haskell are basically the same, i.e. call/n.

    The sharing in Haskell could then give semantic to monomorphic
    and polymorphic caches. Did somebody write a paper about
    golang interfaces handling, relating it to non-strict behaviour?

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Fri Mar 1 18:06:02 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    I can make the first test case faster in SWI-Prolog
    by removing the call/1. but it doesn't have an impact
    on the second test case:

    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),X,fail; true)).
    % 2,999,998 inferences, 0.172 CPU in 0.183 seconds (94% CPU, 17454534 Lips)
    X = (_A is 1+2, _ is _A+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),X,fail; true)).
    % 3,999,998 inferences, 0.594 CPU in 0.597 seconds (99% CPU, 6736839 Lips) true.

    Now I am testing the same for SWI-Prolog and Trealla
    Prolog. SWI-Prolog has it an itch faster in the first
    test case, but an itch slower in the second test case.

    Mild Shock schrieb:

    BTW: I retract my claim that Trealla Prolog
    chokes on call/1. This is amazing. Try this program:

    ?- [user].
    p(X) :- X = (Y is 1+2, _ is Y+3).

    First SWI-Prolog:

    /* SWI-Prolog */
    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),call(X),fail; true)).
    % 2,999,998 inferences, 0.516 CPU in 0.508 seconds (101% CPU, 5818178 Lips)
    X = (_A is 1+2, _ is _A+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),call(X),fail; true)).
    % 3,999,998 inferences, 0.594 CPU in 0.580 seconds (102% CPU, 6736839 Lips)

    Then Trealla Prolog:

    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),X,fail; true)).
    % Time elapsed 0.244s, 4000003 Inferences, 16.363 MLips
       X = (_A is 1+2,_B is _A+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),X,fail; true)).
    % Time elapsed 0.399s, 6000003 Inferences, 15.047 MLips

    Whats going on, why is it faster?

    Mild Shock schrieb:

    Motivation, it is now widespread assume that
    Prolog has call/n. But testing shows that both
    Scryer Prolog and Trealla Prolog chocke even on

    call/1. But then we find this proposal which
    includes maplist/n, foldl/4, etc..

    A Prologue for Prolog - post-N290

    But is there a Prolog technology that makes
    call/n fast in the first place?

    Mild Shock schrieb:

    Can the golang interfaces handling be compared to lazy/sharing
    in the non-strict semantics of Haskell? Just curious, maybe
    there is nevertheless a chance to speed up Prolog call/n.

    After all Haskell and Prolog are very similar they champion
    non-strict features. Most novice Prolog programmers are
    suprised by this behaviour, and that they need to invoke is/2,

    making evaluation explicit, why is it not implicit like in every
    other programming language (warning the example could
    be misleading, its not what I am attacking, only motivation here):

    ?- X = 1+2.
    X = 1+2

    But then there are other more important corner where Prolog
    and Haskell are basically the same, i.e. call/n.

    The sharing in Haskell could then give semantic to monomorphic
    and polymorphic caches. Did somebody write a paper about
    golang interfaces handling, relating it to non-strict behaviour?

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Fri Mar 1 18:08:46 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    But I cannot retract my claim about Scryer Prolog
    it definitively chokes:

    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),X,fail; true)).
    % CPU time: 2.233s, 11_000_023 inferences
    X = (_A is 1+2,_B is _A+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),X,fail; true)).
    % CPU time: 6.180s, 13_000_045 inferences

    Thats an order slower than Trealla and SWI-Prolog.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    I can make the first test case faster in SWI-Prolog
    by removing the call/1. but it doesn't have an impact
    on the second test case:

    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),X,fail; true)).
    % 2,999,998 inferences, 0.172 CPU in 0.183 seconds (94% CPU, 17454534 Lips)
    X = (_A is 1+2, _ is _A+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),X,fail; true)).
    % 3,999,998 inferences, 0.594 CPU in 0.597 seconds (99% CPU, 6736839 Lips) true.

    Now I am testing the same for SWI-Prolog and Trealla
    Prolog. SWI-Prolog has it an itch faster in the first
    test case, but an itch slower in the second test case.

    Mild Shock schrieb:

    BTW: I retract my claim that Trealla Prolog
    chokes on call/1. This is amazing. Try this program:

    ?- [user].
    p(X) :- X = (Y is 1+2, _ is Y+3).

    First SWI-Prolog:

    /* SWI-Prolog */
    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),call(X),fail; true)).
    % 2,999,998 inferences, 0.516 CPU in 0.508 seconds (101% CPU, 5818178
    X = (_A is 1+2, _ is _A+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),call(X),fail; true)).
    % 3,999,998 inferences, 0.594 CPU in 0.580 seconds (102% CPU, 6736839

    Then Trealla Prolog:

    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),X,fail; true)).
    % Time elapsed 0.244s, 4000003 Inferences, 16.363 MLips
        X = (_A is 1+2,_B is _A+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),X,fail; true)).
    % Time elapsed 0.399s, 6000003 Inferences, 15.047 MLips

    Whats going on, why is it faster?

    Mild Shock schrieb:

    Motivation, it is now widespread assume that
    Prolog has call/n. But testing shows that both
    Scryer Prolog and Trealla Prolog chocke even on

    call/1. But then we find this proposal which
    includes maplist/n, foldl/4, etc..

    A Prologue for Prolog - post-N290

    But is there a Prolog technology that makes
    call/n fast in the first place?

    Mild Shock schrieb:

    Can the golang interfaces handling be compared to lazy/sharing
    in the non-strict semantics of Haskell? Just curious, maybe
    there is nevertheless a chance to speed up Prolog call/n.

    After all Haskell and Prolog are very similar they champion
    non-strict features. Most novice Prolog programmers are
    suprised by this behaviour, and that they need to invoke is/2,

    making evaluation explicit, why is it not implicit like in every
    other programming language (warning the example could
    be misleading, its not what I am attacking, only motivation here):

    ?- X = 1+2.
    X = 1+2

    But then there are other more important corner where Prolog
    and Haskell are basically the same, i.e. call/n.

    The sharing in Haskell could then give semantic to monomorphic
    and polymorphic caches. Did somebody write a paper about
    golang interfaces handling, relating it to non-strict behaviour?

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Just watched 2 videos from Scala and the
    year 2023 and nearly chocked on my yoghurt,

    especially when I saw the first presenter got a
    headeache from early returns. LoL

    Async/Await for the Monadic Programmer

    DIRECT STYLE SCALA Scalar Conference 2023

    Whats the bottom line: All because they discovered they
    could do async/await as well?

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Fri Mar 1 19:45:42 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    A small sanity test. How does formerly Jekejeke Prolog
    and Dogelog Player perform. Dogelog Player has not yet
    call/N, I do not promote using it, since I am

    still waiting for a good idea to compile it a little
    bit more statically. Formerly Jekejeke Prolog uses a
    dynamic inline cache, polymorphic in the arity.

    But this test case is anyway less about call/N and
    more about call/1 and is/2. I get:

    For formerly Jekejeke Prolog:

    /* Jekejeke Prolog 1.6.6 */
    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),X,fail; true)).
    % Zeit 540 ms, GC 3 ms, Uhr 01.03.2024 19:37
    X = (_0 is 1+2, _1 is _0+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),X,fail; true)).
    % Zeit 867 ms, GC 3 ms, Uhr 01.03.2024 19:37

    For Dogelog Player:

    /* Dogelog Player 1.1.6 */
    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),X,fail; true)).
    % Zeit 447 ms, GC 0 ms, Lips 15660199, Uhr 01.03.2024 19:38
    X = (_16030782 is 1+2, _16030783 is _16030782+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),X,fail; true)).
    % Zeit 1780 ms, GC 0 ms, Lips 14606802, Uhr 01.03.2024 19:38

    Jekejeke Prolog and Dogelog Player do not choke
    like Scryer Prolog does. The performance of Dogelog
    Player is amazing, since call/1 is implemented in

    pure Prolog, not via an interpreter, but via a little
    compiler, and an intermediate form, that we anyway use
    when we generate cross compiled code or

    static/dynamic clausse.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    But I cannot retract my claim about Scryer Prolog
    it definitively chokes:

    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),X,fail; true)).
       % CPU time: 2.233s, 11_000_023 inferences
       X = (_A is 1+2,_B is _A+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),X,fail; true)).
       % CPU time: 6.180s, 13_000_045 inferences

    Thats an order slower than Trealla and SWI-Prolog.

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Fri Mar 1 21:33:17 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Lets not forget GNU Prolog. It lacks a little bit
    behind SWI-Prolog for the first test case:

    ?- p(X), (between(1,1000000,_),X,fail; true).
    X = (A is 1+2,_ is A+3)
    (453 ms) yes

    ?- (between(1,1000000,_),p(X),X,fail; true).
    (578 ms) yes

    Also this kind of testing might be a little bit
    to generous, by ommiting the time/1 call.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    A small sanity test. How does formerly Jekejeke Prolog
    and Dogelog Player perform. Dogelog Player has not yet
    call/N, I do not promote using it, since I am

    still waiting for a good idea to compile it a little
    bit more statically. Formerly Jekejeke Prolog uses a
    dynamic inline cache, polymorphic in the arity.

    But this test case is anyway less about call/N and
    more about call/1 and is/2. I get:

    For formerly Jekejeke Prolog:

    /* Jekejeke Prolog 1.6.6 */
    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),X,fail; true)).
    % Zeit 540 ms, GC 3 ms, Uhr 01.03.2024 19:37
    X = (_0 is 1+2, _1 is _0+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),X,fail; true)).
    % Zeit 867 ms, GC 3 ms, Uhr 01.03.2024 19:37

    For Dogelog Player:

    /* Dogelog Player 1.1.6 */
    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),X,fail; true)).
    % Zeit 447 ms, GC 0 ms, Lips 15660199, Uhr 01.03.2024 19:38
    X = (_16030782 is 1+2, _16030783 is _16030782+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),X,fail; true)).
    % Zeit 1780 ms, GC 0 ms, Lips 14606802, Uhr 01.03.2024 19:38

    Jekejeke Prolog and Dogelog Player do not choke
    like Scryer Prolog does. The performance of Dogelog
    Player is amazing, since call/1 is implemented in

    pure Prolog, not via an interpreter, but via a little
    compiler, and an intermediate form, that we anyway use
    when we generate cross compiled code or

    static/dynamic clausse.

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    But I cannot retract my claim about Scryer Prolog
    it definitively chokes:

    ?- p(X), time((between(1,1000000,_),X,fail; true)).
        % CPU time: 2.233s, 11_000_023 inferences
        X = (_A is 1+2,_B is _A+3).

    ?- time((between(1,1000000,_),p(X),X,fail; true)).
        % CPU time: 6.180s, 13_000_045 inferences

    Thats an order slower than Trealla and SWI-Prolog.

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114
  • From Mild Shock@janburse@fastmail.fm to comp.lang.prolog on Wed Mar 6 01:56:59 2024
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    In short moment I though I could speed up
    call/1, by using SWI-Prolog $meta_call/1 semantics,
    which differs from call/1 semantis:

    /* SWI-Prolog 9.3.0 */
    ?- call((Y=!,(X=1;X=2),Y,X=2)).
    Y = !,
    X = 2.

    ?- '$meta_call'((Y=!,(X=1;X=2),Y,X=2)).

    /* SWI-Prolog 9.3.0 */
    ?- call(((X=1;X=2),1,X=2)).
    ERROR: Type error: `callable' expected, found
    `(_168=1;_168=2),1,_168=2' (a compound)

    ?- '$meta_call'(((X=1;X=2),1,X=2)).
    ERROR: Type error: `callable' expected, found `1' (an integer)

    One can spare one pass, since body conversion is
    ommited. Would make call/1 faster. Also intersting
    find, that I wasn't aware of, namely there is

    correspondence between:

    SWI-Prolog Dogelog Player
    prolog_current_choice/1 '$MARK'
    prolog_cut_to/1 '$CUT'

    but the body conversion pass in Dogelog Player, does
    optimize away unnecessary '$MARK' and $CUT', so maybe
    the this extra pass isn't useless overhead?

    Mild Shock schrieb:
    Lets not forget GNU Prolog. It lacks a little bit
    behind SWI-Prolog for the first test case:

    ?- p(X), (between(1,1000000,_),X,fail; true).
    X = (A is 1+2,_ is A+3)
    (453 ms) yes

    ?- (between(1,1000000,_),p(X),X,fail; true).
    (578 ms) yes

    Also this kind of testing might be a little bit
    to generous, by ommiting the time/1 call.

    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.114