• ANN: Logtalk 3.71.0 released

    From Paulo Moura@pjlmoura@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Thu Oct 12 06:36:27 2023
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Logtalk 3.71.0 is now available for downloading at:
    This release removes support for Scryer Prolog; fixes compatibility with GNU Prolog versions older than 1.6.0; simplifies finding the goal to use to load an entity when browsing the APIs documentation; improves the documentation of embedding scripts; fixes a Texinfo navigation issue between Handbook and APIs documentation; updates automated testing to include any additional information from the Prolog backend "version_data" flag; updates the "debugger" tool to print a procedure box port for spy points when the port is unleashed; includes fixes and improvements to the "packs" tool linting of pack specifications; updates the "tutor" tool for the new linter warning on missing arithmetic functions; updates the "lgtdoc" tool to include the goal required for loading an entity in the entity documentation; and updates the "errors" and "document_converter" examples.
    For details and a complete list of changes, please consult the release notes at:
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    Happy logtalking!
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