• ANN: Logtalk 3.67.0 released

    From Paulo Moura@pjlmoura@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Tue Jul 4 07:43:29 2023
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Logtalk 3.67.0 is now available for downloading at:
    This release adds two new linter flags; abstracts how the linter and make tools check if a module defines a predicate; provides Handbook plus libraries and tools documentation updates; includes fixes and improvements for the "arbitrary" and "type" libraries handling of Unicode code points; adds new predicates to the "lgtdoc" tool; adds a new option to the "packs" tool "packs::update/2-3" predicates; adds "lgtunit" tool support for detecting and reporting discrepancies between the number of tests run and the total number of tests defined in a test set; adds "logtalk_tester" scripts support for using a GNU Prolog executable that includes Logtalk for better performance; adds "help" tool support for additional operating-systems; fixes bugs in the "debugger", "diagrams", "lgtdoc", and "lgtunit" tools; updates several examples tests to use explicit assertions; adds new tests for Prolog standards directives and built-in predicates; improves tests for Prolog Unicode support; and provides portability updates for GNU Prolog, JIProlog, LVM, Scryer Prolog, and, Trealla Prolog.
    For details and a complete list of changes, please consult the release notes at:
    You can show your support for Logtalk continued development and success at GitHub by giving us a star and a symbolic sponsorship:
    Happy logtalking!
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