• ANN: Logtalk 3.64.0 released

    From Paulo Moura@pjlmoura@gmail.com to comp.lang.prolog on Tue Mar 28 06:36:12 2023
    From Newsgroup: comp.lang.prolog

    Logtalk 3.64.0 is now available for downloading at:
    This release fixes handling of "dynamic/1" directives for predicates with no clases in included files from dynamically created objects; fixes a performance issue where the compiler would not inline predicate definitions when the clause body goal uses parameter variables; improves the "csv" library error-checking; adds new predicates to the "java" library; includes changes for running all the Java-based examples on Windows; adds a "neo4j" example of using the "java" library to interface with Neo4j; adds new usability predicates to the "packs" tools; changes semantics of the "lgtunit" tool "clean_file/1" utility predicate to simplify usage; fixes the "logtalk_tester" scripts passing of calling options to sourced "tester" scripts in the test set directories; updates all tool PowerShell scripts to require version 7.3 or later; adds additional tests for Prolog standard meta-predicates; and includes portability updates for LVM.
    For details and a complete list of changes, please consult the release notes at:
    You can show your support for Logtalk continued development and success at GitHub by giving us a star and a symbolic sponsorship:
    Happy logtalking!
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